I was wondering if I can get some help with understanding how levelling/gearing works around here.
I understand the set bonuses, mixing sets together, etc.. however I don't understand how a basic weapon and a legendary weapon do the same damage - or how a weapon at lower level does similar damage to one at maximum level depending on the viewpoint of the item.
Why level up for end-game when I can put out good dps at level 15 with 2.2k+ weapon/spell dmg and 16k phys/spell resistance with basic gear untempered?
Why spend tens of thousands on tempered gear if I can be viable with the bare minimum scraps found throughout the game?
I just really don't understand the system and I hope someone can help me out.
Heart of Ayanad [StamSorc]
Soul of Ayanad [MagKnight]
Aegis of Ayanad [MagPlar]
Keeper of Ayanad [MagBlade]
Shadow of Ayanad [MagSorc]