jerseylocalbandb14_ESO wrote: »Hey all,
Coming back to ESO after a few Year break. Played at launch on PC, but trying it on ps4 now. Currently have a lv11 DK, but left off on PC with a 50 DK and 20ish Sorc.
First question: any way to still move my old toons from PC to my ps4 account? I know there was a limited time event if you preordered, but I'm hopeful that maybe it was made into a permanent thing...
unfortunately, there is no way to move characters across platforms.
Next question: stamina and magika. I hear people talk about stamina and magika builds, but am wondering what they exactly entail. For instance, I play a DK and like all their spells so I've been putting my attribute points in magika... does this mean I should also be using a staff? I like the DK spells, but also like wielding melee weapons; is this a possibility without gimping myself?
this is a common misconception, but one that is understandable given how little info is given at the start of the game. All class spells have morphs which changes the spells to either be scaled to stamina or magicka. While it is prudent for a new player to put points into magicka, have a clear vision of what you want to do with your build. If you are planning to go melee with melee weapons, then it's best if you go stamina. There are exceptions of course, but for now, this should be the 'go to' mentality right at the start.
The game is now lv 1 - 50 and then yoy grind out 'CP', right? There are no more get levels? What's the difference?
Level 1-50 is what I would call the learning stage. You basically gain skill points and attributes to start a foundation for your character. The amount of skill points is enough for you to have a fully fleshed out build that can hold its own in the role you chose it for. Cp is for the finer details, the choice of fine tuning your build to something that will be more powerful than having a character build with no cp at all.
Last question: I picked up my PC characters after the battle scaling went live, but before One Tamriel. When I queued up with a lv20 healer, I was paired with a bunch of vet chars and was quickly roflstomped. Has this been fixed, or is queuing for dungeons something that people only do at level cap?
I don't really understand this question, are you asking about PvP battle scaling? Or are you asking about dungeons? Now, there are two difficulty level for dungeons: normal and veteran. If you have played Wow before, this is akin to having a normal and Heroic mode for dungeons. It must have been a couple of vet players who qued for normal dungeon. Again, this is under the impression you are talking about pve.
There is no way of doing this sorry, there was only one transfer which was at the console launch and anyone who missed it can't now have one. Sadly you'll have to start over.jerseylocalbandb14_ESO wrote: »First question: any way to still move my old toons from PC to my ps4 account? I know there was a limited time event if you preordered, but I'm hopeful that maybe it was made into a permanent thing...
The game has shifted into Magicka/Stamina being very seperate builds and specialisation into one being much more effective than a hybrid of the two.jerseylocalbandb14_ESO wrote: »Next question: stamina and magika. I hear people talk about stamina and magika builds, but am wondering what they exactly entail. For instance, I play a DK and like all their spells so I've been putting my attribute points in magika... does this mean I should also be using a staff? I like the DK spells, but also like wielding melee weapons; is this a possibility without gimping myself?
1-50 is the base level opening up attributes and skill points. Champion Points which you start earning after level 50 are account wide and replace VR levels (10 CP = 1 VR), gear scales in CP level in tens (10, 20, 30 etc.) capping out at C160 as the current max level for gear. The current max CP level (points you can spend) is 600.jerseylocalbandb14_ESO wrote: »The game is now lv 1 - 50 and then yoy grind out 'CP', right? There are no more get levels? What's the difference?
They've changed the ways dungeons works now to have normal mode and veteran mode. Normal mode should be possible for any character with the scaling, veteran modes are better suited for C160+ characters but can be done if you skill/builds are good enough.jerseylocalbandb14_ESO wrote: »Last question: I picked up my PC characters after the battle scaling went live, but before One Tamriel. When I queued up with a lv20 healer, I was paired with a bunch of vet chars and was quickly roflstomped. Has this been fixed, or is queuing for dungeons something that people only do at level cap?
RavenSworn wrote: »jerseylocalbandb14_ESO wrote: »Hey all,
Next question: stamina and magika. I hear people talk about stamina and magika builds, but am wondering what they exactly entail. For instance, I play a DK and like all their spells so I've been putting my attribute points in magika... does this mean I should also be using a staff? I like the DK spells, but also like wielding melee weapons; is this a possibility without gimping myself?
this is a common misconception, but one that is understandable given how little info is given at the start of the game. All class spells have morphs which changes the spells to either be scaled to stamina or magicka. While it is prudent for a new player to put points into magicka, have a clear vision of what you want to do with your build. If you are planning to go melee with melee weapons, then it's best if you go stamina. There are exceptions of course, but for now, this should be the 'go to' mentality right at the start.
Hope this helps!
How come new players should be putting points into magic? Genuinely interested.