rotaugen454 wrote: »99 botters we hear on the wall,
99 botters we hear.
ZoS takes one down and passes it around,
154 botters we hear on the wall.
They probably have many accounts which makes ZOS $$$. They don't care.
Edit: It's been like this since beta.
You can't transfer the crowns or anything bought with them though, right? I suppose you could make a bot and transfer gold, which may explain all the bots. Unless the original account is banned, what does it cost?They probably have many accounts which makes ZOS $$$. They don't care.
Edit: It's been like this since beta.
I can't speak for PC. But I know people who rubberband and cheat on console aren't making ZOS any money. Even I have a "fake" account - but it was ONLY so I could taxi my ALT to a couple locations lol.
It's simple though;
1. PS4 Primary Owner owns Elder Scrolls Online and has it installed.
2. Owner signs out, but game is still installed on system. Then makes a new PSN Account.
3. Use new ID to login on same PS4 that the ESO Game was installed on.
4. Play for free.
5. ????
6. Profit.
You even get your free 500 crowns for using a fake account ;p I don't know if it's as easy on PC.
johnnified wrote: »I know in LOTRO they allow people to have more than one instance open (like ESO) and have stated that running 6 accounts isn't breaking TOS.
I have no idea if it is here or not, nor will I spend the money to have 6 accounts lol.
Updated 11/06/2015 08:11 AM Published 09/04/2014 02:57 PM
Multiboxing is NOT allowed in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited in any of its forms, whether software- or hardware-based. Any accounts found to be multiboxing will be considered in violation of our Terms of Service and actioned swiftly and decisively, up to the permanent deactivation of the account along with any other associated accounts. To be clear, players are welcome to have multiple accounts. However, using hardware or software to play them all at the same time is not allowed on any ESO service.
Multiboxing is the practice of playing multiple accounts simultaneously, including, but not limited to using either hardware or software to facilitate the coordination between the accounts. This violates the intended nature of the gameplay mechanics we've created for ESO.
Bots have gotten worse lately. Used to be they were so rare it was quaint to see them. Now they are just irritating.
Game Masters really need to do some zone patrolling. It's not like it's hard to find these things.
Heroeric1337 wrote: »Aren't we able to report bots in-game?
lol who cares? Let ZOS deal with it stop bringing this BS to the forum. No one thinks youre a hero for doing this