Bounty Sheet Availability & Skull, Human

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
The Bounty Sheets I have found:

Breton Male
Breton Female
Orc Male
Orc Female
Imperial Man
Colovian Man
Altmer Male
Khajiit Male
Argonian Male

The Bounty Sheets I have NOT found:

Redguard Male
Redguard Female
Altmer Female
Bosmer Male
Bosmer Female
Khajiit Female
Imperial Woman
Colovian Woman
Argonian Female
Dunmer Male
Dunmer Female
Nord Male
Nord Female

Are the ones that I have NOT found currently available to be found or have I littered my homes with Argonian Male Bounty Sheets quite literally as wallpaper in vain?

ALSO - What/where is the best place to farm for Skull, Human?

Thank you in advance!

Best Answers

  • energon
    I'm not sure those other bounty sheets are in-game, at least not yet. I'm referencing this list which may or may not be fully up-to-date:

    Still, sounds like pretty cool wallpaper! I've read that you can pickpocket human skulls from priest-type NPC's.
    Answer ✓
    skull human drops in vulkhel guard priests a lot, Ive had about 30. Seems to be on the last pickpocket attempt (of 3). I just use killers blade
    Answer ✓
  • Damianos
    Anyone at all?
  • Damianos
    That is slightly more up to date than ESO Fashion's data base.

    Thank you @energon :)
  • Damianos
    energon wrote: »
    I've read that you can pickpocket human skulls from priest-type NPC's.

    I've been farming Cultists/Priests both straight up killing and pick pocketing for the last 6 days, not a single skull. However, I get several bounty sheets from guards, most times getting them on the second and third pull, not just the third as most suggest.

    Edited by Damianos on March 16, 2017 9:13AM
  • Damianos
    mcb123 wrote: »
    skull human drops in vulkhel guard priests a lot, Ive had about 30. Seems to be on the last pickpocket attempt (of 3). I just use killers blade

  • Artemiisia
    where do bounty sheets drop from? guards?
  • Damianos
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    where do bounty sheets drop from? guards?

    Pickpocketing guards, yes. The higher your ledgermain, generally, the better chance you have.
  • Artemiisia
    sweet, my ledgermain is lvl 20 on 3 chars :D

  • mb10
    Any other known locations for human skull?
  • Artemiisia
    got my first Colovian Man :D

    no skulls that I can use for housing yet, lots of skulls (treasure for fence though)
  • Damianos
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    got my first Colovian Man :D

    no skulls that I can use for housing yet, lots of skulls (treasure for fence though)

    Grats! Are you pickpocketing the Cultist/Priest NPC's in Vulkhel Guard for the skulls?

  • Artemiisia
    yeah been living in Vulkhel Guard :D just haven't gotten any skulls for housing yet
    Edited by Artemiisia on March 18, 2017 10:28AM
  • DannyLV702
    Damianos wrote: »

    Grats! Are you pickpocketing the Cultist/Priest NPC's in Vulkhel Guard for the skulls?

    Are those the ones called Temple Acolytes? @Damianos
  • DannyLV702
    Sweet I got me a human skull :)
  • Ajaxduo
    Which location did you find worked best for you?
    - - -
    GM of Verum Aeternus, PC EU
    - - -
  • waterfairy
    Damianos wrote: »

    Pickpocketing guards, yes. The higher your ledgermain, generally, the better chance you have.

    I never thought to pickpocket a guard as I assumed it was impossible like being able to kill them.
  • Damianos
    DannyLV702 wrote: »

    Are those the ones called Temple Acolytes? @Damianos

    Yes, yes they are and congrats on your skull!
  • Damianos
    Vigarr wrote: »

    I never thought to pickpocket a guard as I assumed it was impossible like being able to kill them.

    It is impossible to kill them, however I've gotten some pretty sweet loot from their pockets! I prefer to do the guard pickpocketing in a location that is close to the outlaw refuge, or at least easy to get to or have my handy footpad wave me in from the skill points in thieves guild.
  • Damianos
    Ajaxduo wrote: »
    Which location did you find worked best for you?

    For the bounty sheets? I bounce between Vulkhel Guard, Belkarth and Rawl'kha, as they are all rather close to Outlaw Refuges. For the human skulls, the only place I've been lucky enough to get a few are in Vulkhel Guard, in Auridon.
  • DannyLV702
    Ajaxduo wrote: »
    Which location did you find worked best for you?

    Well i got it from a cultist at the big building with the bank inside. It was on the balcony to the right of the balcony that has the skyshard. There is a cultist and a drunk there that can be pick pocketed. I got it from the cultist
  • ShilohAlexander
    Soul Shriven
    Is pick pocketing guards like cultists? Where you have to pickpocket them like 3 times to get the bounty sheet? I've been trying for a while now, but no luck. Plenty of skulls though
  • ShilohAlexander
    Soul Shriven
    And then immediately after I posted I got Orc Male. Well, anyone know if specific locations have a better chance of dropping certain sheets? Like if I spend time in Shadowfen will I be more likely to get Argonian? Cause that's really what I'm after
  • kip_silverwolf
    And then immediately after I posted I got Orc Male. Well, anyone know if specific locations have a better chance of dropping certain sheets? Like if I spend time in Shadowfen will I be more likely to get Argonian? Cause that's really what I'm after

    @ShilohAlexander - Try the guards at Fort Amol in Eastmarch. I've picked up several bounty sheets there, Argonian included
    "I'm going to live forever..or at least die trying"

    drunken Nord & Tamriel streaker since Arena

  • firedrgn
    Got two real quick in morrowind
  • iulica87neb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    got a [Skull, Human] from an Assasin in Vivec City, Vvardenfell; i assume Assasin is also a valid npc job for getting skullz
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