Hello everyone

With this thread, I'd like to draw the community managers' attention ^^ Here is the thing: since Homestead, vMOL is extremely bugged on PS4 (EU). On the first pack of mob, there always are multiple people freezing, which forces people to restart the game. We lose countless minutes waiting for everyone to come back. Some people have this problem several times up untile the first boss, which is quite frustrating. Then, we still have a few bugs, but we usually manage. However, if the healers freeze, it's a wipe. We spend a huge amount of time on the easiest boss of the trial and it is really annoying. Yesterday evening, my group couldn't even finish the trial because each try on the first boss resulted in 5-6 people getting the bug. The rest of the players were then constantly cursed (less players = less options for the curse to hit) and when the second shield hit, without any healer remaining, they wiped.
We sent tickets but the situation has been the same for over two weeks and it's really nerve-wrecking. Is anything being done to correct those problems ?!
Thank you for answering
Edited by VCoquille on March 13, 2017 9:16PM