A run that happened over a night ago, a VMOL run for a fellow guidie to get him his first VMOL complete, hatrick17, ends up having his game freeze during execution phase on Rakkat as we beat him, thus nullifying his chance at the last chest and coffer, and also his Dro Mathra skin. I will post a video as proof if needed, but I believe 1000% that he deserves his rewards for his effort as he was in the party and royally screwed by terrible technical issues constantly plaguing VMOL and trials in general. It is completely out of his control, and if this video is needed (I will post link as soon as its uploaded), you will see and hear him say he is frozen, subsequently disconnects, and from my POV, you can see his character's body vanish right before the end, but remaining in the group the entire time. He virtually did 99% of the trial.
To add insult to injury, the run last night to do attempt number 2 for redemption could not even take shape due to the constant party members DCing and getting frozen/dropped every fight. Roughly 30 plus times easily. I don't expect any real "justice" but I figured its worth getting out there that this is really "DCing" the fun out of ESO as this content and its stability in its current state is frustrating as all hell, often unplayable in these circumstances, and laughably bad at best. Here is hoping anything good comes from this.