BUG - Group Finder Causing "Removing From Area"

Soul Shriven
If this was a once in a while thing I might shrug it off, but two times in a row when playing with a couple friends and using the group finder to get a 4th, we get ported in... then immediate get a "Removing From Area" message then ported out 10 seconds later. Whats worse, even if we port in to the dungeon we just got ported out of, we dont get credit for selecting Random Daily Dungeon. This is making running dungeons a waste of time when trying to get that bonus exp. I'm shocked that there are people who actually pay a monthly fee for this.

This problem popped up with the new and improved dungeon finder. Tell me this is a new "feature"...
  • speedr369_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Make that 3 times in a row.
  • Loc2262
    Join the club.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • De_Mysteriis
    Still no improvement.
    - Behold: the Staff of Magnus.
    What? What happened? Where is it?
    - You stupid, I've taken it just now.
    - By the shining trees of Aldmeris. We have been burgled. But how?
    That staff was an illusion. Where's the real one?
    - Oh... ok.
  • Sgt_Morrigahn
    Soul Shriven
    Still having this today again!! /sigh

    Please fix!
  • Darcwolf
    Still same issue, and worst part is you can't queue for another dungeon for 15 minutes!
  • l3schi
    After the today's patch it's still not fixed, happened 3 times in a row today, really annyoing and a waste of time.
  • Loc2262
    Patch notes say they're "working on it". Well, I suppose that's an improvement over not getting a reaction at all concerning this issue!
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • JamieJammer
    If you complete a group finder activity and you complete and queue for another it won't allow you. Prior you were able to queue s group of 4 over and over and be able to travel successfully.
  • Darcwolf
    I figured this would be fixed after maintenance, guess not, this is pure crap, not that it's beyond broken, but the fact that we get penalized and have to wait 15 minutes to queue up again because this is broken!
  • xSkullfox
    Its not a bug, its a feature.
    The worst part is when it finally puts you in a group, your healer turns into a werewolf, your tank has 14k HP and the dps is heavy armor, using a restro staff and a two handed sword on the backbar. Then comes the 15 minute penalty before the cycle starts anew.

    Rulz of Morrowind:
    • The first rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • The second rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • Third rule of Morrowind: Someone yells NDA stuff, uploads images, streams, the game is over.
    • Fourth rule: only invited players can test.
    • Fifth rule: one invite at a time, fellas.
    • Sixth rule: crying or bashing on pts.
    • Seventh rule: NDA will go on as long as they have to.
    • And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first invite at Morrowind, you have to play.
  • AndrewQ84
    If you complete a group finder activity and you complete and queue for another it won't allow you. Prior you were able to queue s group of 4 over and over and be able to travel successfully.

    This happens to my girlfriend and I all the time. We need to leave group and then regroup to be able to que again. And what the OP was talking about as well. That happens to us every single time. It has been happening to us for a while now. Every single one removes us from dungeon and then when we port back in, usually the other group members have left and we have to reque to find replacements. Which can take up more time.
    Sa'hira of the Shadows, DC Nightblade and ruins explorer extraordinaire.

    "May your day be awesome and full of Bacon!!!"

    - Me
  • Keras
    I run the random search twice and the dailies once every day:

    Me and my brother are Tank and DPS or Tank and Heal right now, so the group finder is normally pretty fast. But when we find a group and the group check shows up in the upper right corner under the group display, in 3 of 4 attempts one person doesn't confirm his activity. We first thought this was due to people searching while afk, but we noticed that when we're listing as heal and tank, one of us was missing in the check even though we were both accepting the message that popped up. This seems to happen more frequent lately.

    Conclusion: Even if one accepts the message, the group check might not get it and split the group.

    That's what prevents us from playing with others via group finder in most of the cases. If not this, then the group is either ported out of the dungeon, or the group is split up once in the dungeon for no apparent reason.

    This was to be fixed with yesterday's hotfix, but it's the same as always. The rewards for the random search, by the way, are still only guaranteed for the group leader. That was to be fixed, too.
  • Skjoldur
    This is still happening. After so many months / years that stupid tool is still buggy as hell. Who is responsible for that thing?!

  • gorathSheo
    It always happens when you queue with 2 or 3 people. Happened to me and my friend 3 times in a row just now, thats 45 minutes to wait withouth even achieving anything.

    Additionaly when you queue as a group, only the leader gets the undaunted reward for a random dungeon.

    This is killing the group fun and has done so for weeks/months now.

    The whole guild unsubscribed from ESO-Plus because of that. Nicely done Zenimax.
  • XiaoKai
    Soul Shriven
    This has been going on for so long? Is this the only MMO where Multilayer dungeons is been bugged for months?
  • gorathSheo
    It seems like it, since they have done nothing about it, which shows their priorities.

    But hey...at least you can buy a bucket-hat in the crown-store. ;)

    Edit: Oh nice....a new update and still nothing fixed.
    Edited by gorathSheo on April 3, 2017 1:36PM
  • AlexDarkos
    Soul Shriven
    The problem is not resolve.. Please, resolve this.
  • Jadednatas
    Another thing group finder can't seem to handle... if I am runnin solo in city of ash 1 normal.. an queued for a vet dungeon, if the dungeon that I am in currently comes up for my pug queue then shenanigans ensues.....

    I have had it take me to the group where I am literally standin with the other 3 an my screen says 'you are not in your groups instance' and a removin from dungeon ring starts an tosses me, I can travel back but annoying. It also leaves me showing as queued an if I say yes will actually form me to another group.. if i decline it leaves me with my current group.

    The other one it likes to pull is like in city of ash example.. pug group 'forming' loads me into a vet city of ash an there is a portal to get to where I just was while I was soloing normal mode.. gives me crown in those cases an only way i can get dungeon to reset an be fresh veteran version is to leave, go into a different dungeon,, an then come back.. even walkin out the door changin to normal then back to vet an goin in wasn't doin it.

    Xbox na here.

    I am able to use group finder somewhat effectively, but still some hiccups.
  • XiaoKai
    Soul Shriven
    AlexDarkos wrote: »
    The problem is not resolve.. Please, resolve this.

    There have been so many updates and this has not been fixed.
    I know some people that have removed their eso+ sub as a protest to this not being fixed.
    Sometimes I feel this the the only way some companies will do anything, is if they feel it affecting their wallets.
    Until then some companies do not react.
  • JamieJammer
    @AndrewQ84 so that was at homestead integration now since holiday event start you can queue, it will travel you in and then immediately remove you from area sayibnbyou aren't in your groups instamce. You can then re travel either from a wayshrine or at your own expense. Extremely time wasting.
  • l3schi

    Are there any information of the devs regarding this issue the game has since homestead (february)?????????
  • Donlod
    Soul Shriven
    We are a group of 3 friends and if we queue as 2 or 3 we get the removing from area message after joining the dungeon EVERY time and are ported back to our previous location. The most annoying thing is that though you can leave the dungeon manually using the dungeon entrance before you are atomatically removed from the dungeon and port back selecting one of the other players who are still in the dungeon (if any) and then play the dungeon but you WONT get any of the daily rewards when completing the it.
    Running dungeons with friends really sucks atm since this happens every time when queuing with 1 or 2 others.
    Edited by Donlod on May 15, 2017 3:33PM
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