I'm currently using
this guide as a baseline for my stamblade. It uses Power Extraction as an AoE, but also to give Major Brutality in its Group Content – Dungeons section.
For smallish groups of mobs, like you'll typically find in Public Dungeons, what do you think of Shrouded Daggers as an alternative to Power Extraction?
SD is not really AoE as it only attacks 3 targets, but it has double the reach and more damage per target. Also, it gains from the DW Slaughter passive below 25%.
PE on the other hand, deals AoE and increases Ulti regeneration.
Are there any advantages to PE that I'm missing? I'm starting to feel that SD will serve me better as a Major Brutality generator than PE.
Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"