If you are a player or a former player attacking or destroying the ZOS server . . . stop it, just stop!
If you are petty enough and vengeful enough to take out your agrees ion on a video game, we'll you are a huge stick in the mud.
If you have an agenda to take out a corporate entity, there are plenty of other despicable companies out there to choose from.
What do I know? These problems could be a side effect of the Chinese mining bit coins, which are more valuable than gold right now!
My brain is mush . . . but I like ESO
Jemcrystal wrote: »
i restarted my pc and got back in = think we are dealing with bottleneck
Ep1kMalware wrote: »Ok mr popo.
Having been on the receiving end of coordinated DDoS attacks, i can assure you that this is almost always about money.If you are a player or a former player attacking or destroying the ZOS server . . . stop it, just stop!
If you are petty enough and vengeful enough to take out your agression on on a video game, well you are a huge stick in the mud.
If you have an agenda to take out a corporate entity, there are plenty of other despicable companies out there to choose from.
What do I know? These problems could be a side effect of the Chinese mining bit coins, which are more valuable than gold right now!
My brain is mush . . . but I like ESO
Unsent.Soul wrote: »Lol. Mr. tough guy putting his foot down.
Unsent.Soul wrote: »Lol. Mr. tough guy putting his foot down.
fixed. Also... INB4 Lock.
Ep1kMalware wrote: »Ok mr popo.
It was you wasn't it . . . lol jk I'm not paranoid . . .omg Matt Firor is behind me!