The guild I created is missing!
Have you ever noticed a guild disappear?
What causes a guild to be removed from your account?
How can you prevent a guild from going MIA?
What can I do when my guild is missing?
Today I tried to type /g5 to chat with my guild, and the game told me that I had no fifth guild. I checked my guild list, and two of my five guilds were suddenly missing. I don't recall the name of my second guild, which I joined during week one. However, my first guild was one that I created myself, and I'm extremely upset that it is gone. The last time that I can guarantee that it was attached to my account was around 3:10 PM PST March 4th, 2017. I first noticed that it was missing around 6:30 PM PST March 4th, 2017, after my fifth guild mates and I ran through a trial dungeon. That means it went missing sometime between 3:10 pm and 6:30 pm today.
Maybe you don't think it matters. But this guild matters to me. My boyfriend and I played beta together, and we both pre-ordered. Day 0, one of the very first things we did was to create a guild together. Every time I log in and play ESO, I look at this guild we made together. Every single time. It's a point of pride and happiness for me. Not just because it was something we did together, but also because we made it the first day ESO was out after the beta reset. This guild is extremely sentimental and important to my gaming experience on the Elder Scrolls Online. I am distraught. Yes, it's just a guild. Yes, it's just a game. However, it's important to me. I want my guild recovered exactly as it was this morning, members the same, creation date the same as it was, and I want to guarantee that this horrible thing never happens again. I have said as much in a support ticket that I sent off earlier today as soon as I found out about this.
I've come to the ESO forums for help from other ESO players because I am hoping you know the answers to at least one of my questions listed atop.
For any ZOS staff present, my support ticket file is Incident: 170304-004201
Petite||||||||||||Dual Nightblade
|||||Wood Elf ♀
||||Tailor and Assassin
|||||Neutral Good
||||||| Petite is happily married to
GiganticBride|||||||||||||Storm Sorcerer
|||||||High Elf ♀
||||||Bored Provisioner
|||||||Chaotic Good
|||||||| Bride wants to find and marry
GroomChild|||||||||||||Bowman Knight
||||||Wood Elf ♂
||||Vampire Mercenary
|||||Chaotic Evil
|||||||| Child is badly watched over by
AdultNaive||||||||||||Healer Templar
|||||||Dark Elf ♀
||||||Idealistic Shaman
||||||||Lawful Good
|||||||| Naive is a healer companion of
FrailMaroon|||||||||Flame Templar
|||||||Dark Elf ♀
||||||Vampire Alchemist
||||||Neutral Evil
||||||| Maroon likes the color of your blood