If you're using a front inferno bar, your weaves + ilambris can proc BSW. When running inferno front and lightning back bar I get around a 50% bsw uptime still, with 5 bsw only being on my front bar (bsw inferno front, lightning moon back).
If you are running a Lightning Blockade of Elements then I recommend using a pet build. Slot Necropotence.
In this situation, it will outperform BSW should you keep your pet alive relatively well.
Otherwise just use BSW as usual.
Sheva I 7 I wrote: »If you're using a front inferno bar, your weaves + ilambris can proc BSW. When running inferno front and lightning back bar I get around a 50% bsw uptime still, with 5 bsw only being on my front bar (bsw inferno front, lightning moon back).
I am a console player, so don't have a status meters to tell me what my bsw uptime is, are there any tests which show what uptime bsw has to be at to outperform julianos/tbs?
Artemiisia wrote: »you can see bsw on your arms if its up, when your arms are orange bsw is activated, so that will give you a sense of how long its up in the fight Sheva
Sheva I 7 I wrote: »If you are running a Lightning Blockade of Elements then I recommend using a pet build. Slot Necropotence.
In this situation, it will outperform BSW should you keep your pet alive relatively well.
Otherwise just use BSW as usual.
Thats interesting suggestion i haven't played pet build for 2 years now, don't you have to double slot the pet though thus loosing one slot? Not sure if I like the sound of that...
Sheva I 7 I wrote: »If you are running a Lightning Blockade of Elements then I recommend using a pet build. Slot Necropotence.
In this situation, it will outperform BSW should you keep your pet alive relatively well.
Otherwise just use BSW as usual.
Thats interesting suggestion i haven't played pet build for 2 years now, don't you have to double slot the pet though thus loosing one slot? Not sure if I like the sound of that...
Summon Volatile Familiar is very strong this patch. It provides great AoE DPS.
Basically you just slot Summon Volatile Familiar in place of Bound Armor to make room.
Naw. You'd give up 4 slots. At that point you'd have to take off other important skills aswell.Sheva I 7 I wrote: »If you are running a Lightning Blockade of Elements then I recommend using a pet build. Slot Necropotence.
In this situation, it will outperform BSW should you keep your pet alive relatively well.
Otherwise just use BSW as usual.
Thats interesting suggestion i haven't played pet build for 2 years now, don't you have to double slot the pet though thus loosing one slot? Not sure if I like the sound of that...
Summon Volatile Familiar is very strong this patch. It provides great AoE DPS.
Basically you just slot Summon Volatile Familiar in place of Bound Armor to make room.
Wouldn't you want to slot Bound Armor with the pet since he scales off magicka?