Not one to complain, But am going to tonight. I maybe in the minority but i would be so down for shutting the game down for a month to get the performance right. The game has so many positives going for it but one HUGE negative in performance. I have played the game on all 3 platforms and since PC beta. Morrowind i do believe especially with the "name of Morrowind" behind it will bring a lot of PVE players back plus with Battlegrounds it will bring a lot of PVP players back. A brand new class too which is exciting. I am not trying to be some forum troll because the game does so much right. But for many players who have a family, work long hours, etc, They have very limited time and they take their weekend nights which mine tonight is without my daughter to get some AP on my new and 3rd platform starting from scratch again, i was trying to play catch up a little since i cant transfer my other characters which i understand. Then i wait, wait, wait and finally get in Cyrodiil only to crash and come back to a 159 waiting queue. But ZOS, you could literally take over the MMO marktet almost besides WOW, when Morrowind releases if you really invest in performance, lag, crashes, etc. Again this is not meant to be mean but this game is like the supermodel with a bad attitude. Please for all your customers, work on performance and put it at the top of the list.
Edited by flguy147ub17_ESO on March 4, 2017 6:31AM