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Eso plus worth it?

I was thinking about getting eso plus but i was wondering if it is really worth it. what is everyone's views? i want to be certain before buying it.
  • Beardimus
    For sure. For the Crafting bag alone. It's not a bad rate for Crowns (bar sales) and you can turn it on / off.

    If you craft, its needed! The DLC side is a other plus, Imp City ans Orsinium are great content, Hist dungeons DB / TG are very niche tho.

    I sub for the bag tho.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
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  • Nestor
    Do you craft? Then ESO Plus is worth it.

    Add in if you shop at the Crown Store anyway, then ESO Plus is effectively free. No reason to not have it then.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • DannyLV702
    Definitely worth it. The day I unsub will be the day I quit
  • QuebraRegra
    I'm still a little miffed we can't geta crafting bag with even limited space (say 200 slots?) outside of the sub.

    That said, that crafting bag completely changes how I play the game. I find it VERY relaxing to just run around and gather mats. Normally I'm disappointed with most the loot, but when I sub and have the bag I'm like "WOOHOO, I just found a buncha mellons!!!"

    seriously... I hate that's it's worth it.
  • DangerNoodle0
    Yes i craft i find it an absolute pain trying to gather resources etc. the crafting bag seems amazing for sure as does the other added extras. thanks for your help guys. I appreciate it :smile:
  • AlienatedGoat
    I'm like "WOOHOO, I just found a buncha mellons!!!"

    Nothing wrong with that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    PC-NA Goat
  • DangerNoodle0
    I once found four locked chests, that was a good day.
  • DangerNoodle0
    i mean i found then next to eachother. basically in a row of locked chests.
  • Turelus
    If you're planning to play long term and don't own any DLC then yes, you get a lot of nice bonuses and all the DLC access for a small fee each month.

    If you already own the DLC then you get a lot less value from it, but the crafting bag and passive bonus go income/exp etc. is nice.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Since the crafting bag, ESO+ isn't optional anymore.
  • d0e1ow
    The crafting bag is very nice. Crowns are worthless now so you can easily save them up and buy the DLC with them then un-sub. All the good store items are in crates now, and I think one month's crown allowance for a sub get you 4 measly crates.

    So, in the long run, no, it's not worth it. The expansion is purchase only, the DLC can be gained permanently by saving crowns for a couple of months, so only the crafting bag remains as an incentive past that imo. It's $15 for quite a bit of convenience, but something that is not mandatory in any way at that point.

    Just make mules/upgrade bank slots/manage your inventory and you don't need the crafting bag. The moment they introduced the crates and effectively made everything else in the CS just garbage that has been there for months now was the moment I un-subbed. They won't get a penny out of me past DLC''s and expansions now.
    Edited by d0e1ow on March 4, 2017 8:31AM
    "Her mystery was as essential to her as savagery was to Boethiah or treachery was to Molag Bal. To understand Nocturnal is to negate her, to pull back the curtains cloaking her realm of darkness." - Sigillah Parate "Invocation of Azura"

  • Danikat
    I don't think it's worth it for me.

    At the moment crafting materials are split between my crafters inventory, the bank and a mule (who holds things I don't use often like style materials for rare styles). I don't find it a problem, my other characters drop all the materials they collect into the bank and then when I log into my crafter to do writs and things he picks up the ones he's holding, every few days I log into the mule to pull his stuff out too. I've only got about 120 bank spaces but it's enough for now and I'm gradually working on expanding it and my crafters bags (eventually I'm hoping to be able to get rid of the mule).

    Other than materials and consumables I'm gradually using up (but always seem to find more of) I don't have much in the bank so I don't really know what I'd do with the space if I did have the crafting bag.

    And the other benefits don't interest me. I buy crowns whenever I want them and it works out at far less than 1,500 a month (plus I get the 5,500 crown packs which are slightly cheaper per crown) and before One Tamriel all my characters were always over-levelled for what they were doing so I certainly don't want an XP boost.

    I did buy a sub for 1 month so I could dye my costumes, and at some point after Morrowind is released I'll do it again for the same reason - I'll have 2 new characters since then (one I've got already and one warden) so I'll need to dye their costumes, and I've unlocked some new dyes so I might re-do some of the existing ones.

    But having it for that month just convinced me it's a bad idea for me. I picked a time when I thought I'd be able to play a lot over the next 30 days, then plans changed and I got to play for about 10 hours before the sub ran out. That's pretty normal for me (both plans changing and the limited time) so subscribing regularly would amount to paying for a lot of time I'm not even online. In that case I didn't mind it because I was thinking of it as paying to dye my costumes (I had been planning on buying dye stamps until I found out how useless they are) but if I'd intended to actually use the other sub benefits I'd be pretty disappointed.
    Edited by Danikat on March 4, 2017 11:31AM
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • DangerNoodle0
    huh i never thought of it like that. thanks for your views, i appreciate it :smiley:
  • menedhyn
    I have mixed feelings about the benefits or perks of ESO+. I have previously managed fairly well without the crafting bag, though it is certainly convenient. The additional items you can place in houses via Homestead is more relevant to me, although I would prefer it if this wasn't an ESO+ perk and made available to everyone. Costume dyeing is helpful and becomes more of an attraction the more character and costumes you have. The free crowns seem to be worth less and less and Crown Store prices have steadily increased for many items and content has reduced (setting aside the flood of Homestead items and paraphernalia).
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • DangerNoodle0
    i like all of the ideas for ESO+ i just thought to get some views on it before i commit to buying it. though it'd be a good idea to buy in game gold with crowns or something. makes getting the 45k each horses more difficult but i like that too. gives me something else to do.
  • switch_deftwind
    ABSOLUTELY. just subbed for first time 2 days ago. came back w the furnishing update, after taking a break since craglorn. i was doing so much inventory management... craft bag = infinite space. it's hugely game-changing. i spend so much less time in banks.

    got enough crowns to buy a few crates, so i'm the queen of the forest as well.

    plus you're getting ALL the *** they've released quest-wise for the past couple years. so all the lessons they learned developing the base game, they put into these expansions i hadn't touched... ***'s happening around you a lot more often, like you'd see in a skyrim cutscene. for instance(no spoilers here) i was told to go meet a guy at a fort that was under siege this morning as i started orsinium dlc... approaching the siege was visually striking in a way that made me feel like this was impossible to be happening in an mmo.

    furnishing limits were already pretty chill in default, but i was about to hit the staple home limit, suddenly being able to place 4 animals instead of 2 is awesome.

    played hearthstone since launch, never spent a dime on it. rarely ever spend money i don't need to. eso plus extremely worth, coming from someone who was already enjoying the game.
  • DangerNoodle0
    ohh nice! thank you for your opinion.
  • Rainwhisper
    The Crafting Bag alone makes it worth it, but doubling the items I can display in my house is equally valuable. Truth be told, though, I would pay it just to support the ongoing development of the game.
  • DangerNoodle0
    i bought mathiisen manor and i still have plenty room though means i have comfort knowing that i have even more space. i still need to find some bast.
  • Nerouyn
    I'm an old time MMO'er and accustomed to subbing. I've subbed to ESO on and off when I've come back to play but I don't any more.

    The crafting bag is definitely a time saver, though you can play without it.

    The extra gold and xp. Again nice, though you can do without.

    Free access to all DLC, once upon a time. No more now there's chapters. And DLC can be bought quite cheaply in the bundle or even more cheaply when on sale.

    Ability to freely dye costumes is great, though IMO should be available to everyone. Because it isn't, I don't buy costumes.

    The 1500 crowns a month is where it really falls over for me. A couple of times a year they massively discount crowns. Then they set the price of many crown store items according to that best possible price you can get for crowns. Effectively this reduces the monthly crowns down to about $6-7 worth.

    What this means is you're paying about $8 a month for the crafting bag, the ability to dye costumes. I don't think it's worth that much. I'd rather spend that money on discounted crowns.
  • JWKe
    If you have not already bought the Gold Edition then yeah... if you already did then I would recommend waiting until the DLCs like Clockwork city drop later this year then sub.

    Only DLC not included as part of the gold edition atm is the Ruins of mazaatuun? and thats only like two dungeons.

    Also, with the crafting bag yes its convenient but if you're like me and have only one main then the crafting bag is pretty pointless. I have 1 character for each of the professions and each of them carry the mats for those professions. Ill log onto those if i ever need a specific mat on my main.
    Edited by JWKe on March 5, 2017 4:16AM
    Depends on how much £8.99 is worth to you!!

    Impossible question to answer as we all have different values tbh.

    If your comfortable in life then £8.99 a month isn't a lot of money to spend and the crafting bag alone is worth it, if money is tight then there is probably better things in life to spend £8.99 on
    Tamriel Headhunters - Largest and most social guild on the EU Xbox Server, 1,000 members, approx 400 Facebook members.

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  • DangerNoodle0
    i try to craft but i find i can't as i dont have the bag space available. i did buy the gold edition and i don't regret it for a second, i love how open it is, i love how you dont have to do the quests if you dont want too. i finally mastered lock picking too haha. i think for me the ESO+ seems good for me as i plan to do many craftings. just so much crafts. i wanted to be able to craft at least some of my furniture so i can say i do that for my home. it is too easy just buying it. I appreciate all of your help and opinions.
  • Entegre
    If you like looting all crates barrels and crafting then yes, if not then no. Also crafting in this game are not worth much so eso plus is not worthy.
  • DangerNoodle0
    but i craft a lot and find it a real pain with it limiting what i can get there for getting the eso plus for the craft bag in itself is worthy of me getting it.
  • Darkestnght
    ESO plus, yes, yes, yes and yes!
    Xbox NA - CP1300+
    Xbox EU - CP400+

  • DangerNoodle0
    I am getting it! :smiley:
  • kasafrass
    Soul Shriven
    I personally feel as though the ESO Plus sub is worth is based solely on the crafting bag. Before having ESO plus, I was constantly running to and from the bank when trying to do writs, because my inv would always max out. I've tried putting all my in-game gold into upgrading my backpack and bank slots, but it takes FOREVER because of how expensive it is, and I recently decided I'd rather spend my gold on a house.

    Now that I have the crafting bag, I'm able to pick up EVERYTHING I find! Random bananas on the ground?? Thanks!! This is good because it helps me with random provisioning writs that I wouldn't necessarily be prepared for before, because I never had inventory to pick everything up around me.

    Also, I don't have most of the DLCs, so it gives me access to those.
  • DangerNoodle0
    awesome! i plan to do way more crafting once i get it :smiley:
  • Molisin01
    I would have to say no ESO plus is not worth it. I stopped playing after they refused to introduce one of the main Guilds of the game so they can add it in to make people pay for it. The Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood should have been added at the very start with the fighters and the Mages Guild. I was one of the many, yes many, people who left because of that. Adding the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood in as a extra paid experience is not the Elder Scrolls is about. Adding in undaunted or some other weird Guild like the Morag Tong is. The Elder Scrolls has always had the three main Guild in each of their games. That being the Mages Guild the Fighters Guild and the Thieves Guild. They are all Staples of the game they're not extra and you should not have to pay for entrance into any of these guilds. The developers did not listen to the people now they hope the con a whole new generation of people and think that this original issue has been forgotten. It has not been forgotten nor will it ever be forgotten. It is not normal to have to pay to become a member of one of the three staple Guilds in the Elder Scrolls. I actually thought about going back to it because of the PVP that was decent but then I remembered why I left period and why many others left as well. The Thieves Guild should never have been a paid DLC. It should have been introduced with the fighters and the Mages Guild no strings attached. Play this if you want comma but this is not what was meant by the Elder Scrolls universe.
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