Now, i do support the game and buy stuff quite frequently off from the Crown Store / and or Crown Crates. But i haven't seen much hairstyles that were promised back in Fall 2016. During ESO Live back in fall i believe they said we would get new hairstyles every two weeks via monthly Crown Store Showcase. Where are they? We've seen a few, but most of them have been race specific. We've also gotten a few, almost identical bob-cut type of hairstyles as well.
Where's the different hairstyles that were data mined? Why can't we have long, wild hair for females or better looking hairstyles for male characters?
I am still here waiting for my high non-moving ponytail!! lol
Edited by andreasranasen on March 2, 2017 8:09PM
- Mag Sorc: Arya Rosendahl - Altmer - Highelf