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Finding perfect roe and fishing on PS4 - When can one expect to get perfect roe?

I heard that perfect roe chances are down since recent patches. If I fish, when can I expect to get a hit on perfect roe? Should I use a specific fishing location and bait to accomplish this?

  • xSkullfox
    Its random from extracting fishes, got 2 roes from about 60-100 fishes.
    The worst part is when it finally puts you in a group, your healer turns into a werewolf, your tank has 14k HP and the dps is heavy armor, using a restro staff and a two handed sword on the backbar. Then comes the 15 minute penalty before the cycle starts anew.

    Rulz of Morrowind:
    • The first rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • The second rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • Third rule of Morrowind: Someone yells NDA stuff, uploads images, streams, the game is over.
    • Fourth rule: only invited players can test.
    • Fifth rule: one invite at a time, fellas.
    • Sixth rule: crying or bashing on pts.
    • Seventh rule: NDA will go on as long as they have to.
    • And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first invite at Morrowind, you have to play.
  • davey1107
    It's most likely that the system runs the RNG at the time you filet the fish (given the amount of time it takes to filet one fish and generate the reward items). This means the reward isn't determined when the fish comes out of the water, which means the system probably doesn't track where it came from or what bait was used. This would be an extra layer of tags in the programming, where items already have a complex tagging system...it would be really inefficient coding to do it that way.

    My friend is big on fishing. He says the drop rate is approx. 1 in 200, but that it also seems to fluctuate quite a lot. His theory is that the RNG isn't just a straight odds of getting one, but that there's also some sort of "traffic control" mechanism that only allows so many roe into the game. So if more people are fishing, the drop rate goes down to prevent massive amounts from flooding the market. He also thinks this mechanism prevents any one player from receiving too many by decreasing the odds of a roe the more you've recently earned.

    This is difficult to prove, but his system is to stock up on fish then start filleting. If he gets none in the first 200 he puts the fish away for another time. If he gets one he calls it his "daily allowance" and puts the fish away for another time. If he gets 2+ he assumes there's a shortage the system is compensating for and continues on.

    I don't know if his theories are correct, but he has 27 Roe in his bank I'm supposed to help him sell, so something about his system works.
  • craftycarper73
    before recent patches i was getting 4 or 5 roe for every 250 - 300 fish gutted, only today i gutted 600 fish for 3 roe, the drop rate is most certainly down.
    Born, Bred & Made in Manchester UK, RIP 22 Angels. 22/05/2017


    The Place by Tony Walsh Please Read
    This is the place in the North West of England

    It’s ace, it’s the best and the songs that we sing

    From the stands, from our bands set the whole planet shaking

    Our inventions are legends! There’s nowt we can’t make and

    So we make brilliant music. We make brilliant bands

    We make goals that make souls leap from seats in the stands

    And we make things from steel and we make things from cotton

    And we make people laugh, take the mick summat rotten

    And we make you at home and we make you feel welcome

    And we make summat happen, we can’t seem to help it

    And if you’re looking for history then yes, we’ve a wealth

    But the Manchester way is to make it yourself

    And make us a record, a new number one

    And make us a brew while you’re up, love. Go on!

    And make us feel proud that you’re winning the league

    And make us sing louder and make us believe it

    that this is the place that has helped shape the world

    And that this the place where a Manchester girl

    Name of Emmeline Pankhurst from the streets of Moss Side

    Led a Suffragette City with sisterhood pride

    And this is the place with appliance of science

    We’re on it, atomic, we strut with defiance

    In the face of a challenge we always stand tall

    Mancunians in union delivered it all

    Such as housing and libraries, and health, education

    And unions and co-ops, the first railway station

    So we’re sorry! Bear with us! We invented commuters!

    But we hope you forgive us – we invented computers!

    And this is the place Henry Royce strolled with Rolls

    And we’ve rocked and we’ve rolled with our own Northern Soul

    And so this is the place to do business, then dance

    Where go-getters and goal setters know they’ve a chance

    And this is the place where we first played as kids

    And me Mam lived and died here, she loved it she did

    And this is the place where our folks came to work

    Where they struggled in puddles, they hurt in the dirt

    And they built us a city. They built us these towns

    And they coughed on the cobbles to the deafening sound

    Of the steaming machines and the screaming of slaves

    They were scheming for greatness, they dreamed to their graves

    And they left us a spirit, they left us a vibe

    The Mancunian Way to survive and to thrive

    And to work and to build, to connect and create and

    Greater Manchester’s greatness is keeping it great

    And so this is the place now we’ve kids of our own

    Some are born here, some drawn here but we all call it home

    And they’ve covered the cobbles, but they’ll never defeat

    All the dreamers and schemers who still teem through these streets

    Because this is a place that has been through some hard times

    Oppressions, recessions, depressions and dark times

    But we keep fighting back with Greater Manchester spirit

    Northern grit, northern wit in Greater Manchester’s lyrics

    And there’s hard times again in these streets of our city

    But we won’t take defeat and we don’t want your pity

    Because this a place where we stand strong together

    With a smile on our face, Mancunians Forever

    And we’ve got this* as the place where a team with a dream (*Forever Manchester)

    Can get funding and something to help with their scheme

    Because this is the place that understands your grand plans

    We don’t do No Can Do, we just stress Yes We Can!

    Forever Manchester’s a charity for people round ‘ere

    You can fundraise, donate. You can be a volunteer

    You can live local, give local. We can honestly say

    We do charity differently, that Mancunian Way

    And we fund local kids, and we fund local teams

    We support local dreamers to work for their dreams

    We support local groups and the great work they do

    So can you …help us help… local people like you?

    Because this is the place in our hearts, in our homes

    Because this is the place that’s a part of our bones

    ‘Cos Greater Manchester gives us such strength from the fact

    That this is the place. We should give something back.

    Always remember. Never forget. Forever Manchester.
  • Danikat
    I think it's completely random.

    I don't fish much but the only perfect roe I've ever received came from a salmon (a very common fish) I caught on a low level (about level 20) character in Auridon. I don't remember what bait I was using but it was either worms, crawlers or insect parts since those are the only ones I ever get. (I had some of the fish roe bait once, but I sold it.)

    Admittedly 1 roe is an appalling sample size but I would have thought if there was anything other than pure RNG affecting your chances that fish would not have resulted in perfect roe.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • DaveMoeDee
    Anecdote is not going to contribute much to understanding drop rates.
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