3rd Maintenance in 24 hours??

Anyone have a clue as to why we have another console maintenance after we already had an unscheduled one AND a scheduled one in this 24 hour period??? Was wondering what they forgot during the first two... usually they only take down if a major exploit has been discovered. I'm surprised no-one has said anything. I was napping and woke up to this :)
  • Balael
    Hah it's funny really I played this game since PC beta with breaks in between and one thing that never changes is the amount of prime time and random maintenance sessions :P.
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    It's there new idea on how to cure lag in PvP by annoying everyone to quit the game
  • Cêltic421
    I don't get it. ZoS should do a better job at communicating. Why severs keeps going down for maintenance? What are they trying to fix this time? Many complaints on lack of communication with ZoS nothing going to change on that end. But we can expect random maintenance.
  • Cêltic421
  • Cêltic421
    Down for 3 hours. Couldn't find a better time to do this maintenance Eh?
  • Stephanie_ABT
    We should start calling it The Elder Scrolls OFFLINE at this rate.....
    Delphine Veteran Rank 16 AD Sorcerer.
    GM Guild Timeless Circle
    Ex PS4 EU Now PC EU
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