On one of my characters, my Blade of Woe skill has ceased to appear when I am crouched behind an NPC. The only option that I get now is to pickpocket. I have tried; relogging, removing all of my Add-Ons, abandoning all of my quests save the main quest line and the DLC quest starters. I have submitted two help tickets and thus far the only responses that I have received are something akin to "We are sorry that it is taking so long to respond due to high ticket volume...Is your issue resolved yet?" This has been going on for two weeks. Yay Customer support...
The issue seemed to start when I finished the bulk of the quests in The Gold Coast and returned my character to Auridon for the standard quests in that zone. I have tried multiple zones and still nothing. All of the rest of my characters that have completed the Dark Brotherhood DLC are able to use the skill. Is there something that I might have done on this single character that might have caused this, or is it a strange bug that only hits in certain circumstances? Any insight would be most appreciated.