We're a new trade guild that's looking to grow. As of right now we have bank access to all members but as we grow that will most likely be changed to only dedicated crafter's so they can store resources without a craft bag if needed. I believe in freedom, which I know will get abused but we'll sort it out as it comes; I want our members to have the guild help them and it does no good to have 500 bank slots that only the GM uses.
Why join us since we're a small, new trade guild? Well you have to start somewhere; I'm a former infantry team leader (2-14IN 10th MTN, OEF 13), in college right now and have free time so I wanted to make a guild that would be fun to be in.
Our focus is trade and crafting but I encourage members to help one another in everything they're interested in. The guild is based out of DC and will be working towards getting a home we can install some crafting stations on.
The ideal long term goal is a guild with a full roster, good trade, and members who pool together to have fun in-game; whether that's running dungeons, helping out the new guys, or running around handing out hurt feelings in PvP.
It's a game and it should be fun, if you want an invite post here or send me a message in-game