The Dirty Ores is a well established trading guild which always has the same spot in Rawl'kha, we are always looking for new members to join our community. So if u need a trading guild please message ipatch93 or krrybarker.
We have now cleared out all our inactive players and have a few spaces left. If you would like an invite pop your GT below and we'll send out invites as soon as possible.
Aswell as trading, we have a brilliant night evening AD pvp group going and trials aswell so if you would like to join in just grab us in the text chat.
Look forward to meeting any new Ores I've also update all the invites above.
Could I get an invite please? I'm a crafting/trading fool...
GT: diogenes
Platform: Xbox One Xbox One GT: diogenes
Main: Was a dedicated X1NA player, now starting new X1EU characters. I like to focus on crafting/trading and am interested in joining any guilds with like-minded individuals.