Fair price for Robust Target Skeleton

I'm finally about to craft one, and I have no idea what to charge for it. 200 vouchers for the Praxis + 100 vouchers for 2 Animus Stones puts it at 900k - 1.5M (assuming 3k-5k per voucher) and that's before adding in the other mats, my time and effort farming mats, and having the prerequisite skills to craft it. The Praxis is a one-time cost, but the pile of Kuta, Regulus, etc. adds up too. Does anybody know what the standard "going rate" for a Robust Skele is? I feel like 1.5M is a fair asking price, but I don't want to sell myself short or rip off a buyer. HALP!
  • KingYogi415
    Considering they cost 2k crowns i doubt any1 would pay more then a million. Which is what i have seen them go for.

  • S1ipperyJim
    You won't sell it for that much, at least on PC. The regular training skele is around 250k max, robust is 50% more than that. TBH my feeling is you're better off selling the master writs than crafted skeles. You don't really get too much profit out of it unless you have tons of mats.
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