- The Warden's bear summon ultimate needs to be on the active bar to be maintained, so be prepared to slot it on both bars.
brandonv516 wrote: »I agree with this requirement. Sorcs have to for pets already.
I wish NB had the option to keep shades up by slotting on both bars.
With the limited amount of skill slots we have I've always thought the double barred skill mechanic is ridiculous.
Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
Phatmattfu wrote: »Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
I was under the impression the enrage bear only had a fixed duration. This has made my choice much easier
Phatmattfu wrote: »Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
I was under the impression the enrage bear only had a fixed duration. This has made my choice much easier
Nope, both morphs and the base ability work like the familiar/twilight - toggle permanent summons until killed.
Phatmattfu wrote: »Phatmattfu wrote: »Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
I was under the impression the enrage bear only had a fixed duration. This has made my choice much easier
Nope, both morphs and the base ability work like the familiar/twilight - toggle permanent summons until killed.
Awesome, now the only question I have left is whether the bear will do physical or if there will be a cold damage morph so magjicka chars can get as much out of him.
Phatmattfu wrote: »Phatmattfu wrote: »Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
I was under the impression the enrage bear only had a fixed duration. This has made my choice much easier
Nope, both morphs and the base ability work like the familiar/twilight - toggle permanent summons until killed.
Awesome, now the only question I have left is whether the bear will do physical or if there will be a cold damage morph so magjicka chars can get as much out of him.
Phatmattfu wrote: »Phatmattfu wrote: »Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
I was under the impression the enrage bear only had a fixed duration. This has made my choice much easier
Nope, both morphs and the base ability work like the familiar/twilight - toggle permanent summons until killed.
Awesome, now the only question I have left is whether the bear will do physical or if there will be a cold damage morph so magjicka chars can get as much out of him.
Probably physical only, however ultimates scale based on your highest stats.
psychotic13 wrote: »Phatmattfu wrote: »Phatmattfu wrote: »Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
I was under the impression the enrage bear only had a fixed duration. This has made my choice much easier
Nope, both morphs and the base ability work like the familiar/twilight - toggle permanent summons until killed.
Awesome, now the only question I have left is whether the bear will do physical or if there will be a cold damage morph so magjicka chars can get as much out of him.
Probably physical only, however ultimates scale based on your highest stats.
But won't scale with CP if you're magicka
psychotic13 wrote: »Phatmattfu wrote: »Phatmattfu wrote: »Sorcs can summon the atronach on offbar and switch back, it will still last the full duration, im sure the other morph of bear will work the same way. (the dmg morph) The permanent morph however, yea im fine with it needing doublebarred.
Both bear morphs are "permanent". Both will require double bar slotting.
One bear morph auto revives itself if it dies. This saves you having to regain ultimate to recast the bear, and saves time in combat.
The other bear morph deals more damage, and allows you to keep gaining ultimate while it's out. You can recast the ultimate to cause the bear to enrage, dealing extra damage and gaining an execute bonus.
I was under the impression the enrage bear only had a fixed duration. This has made my choice much easier
Nope, both morphs and the base ability work like the familiar/twilight - toggle permanent summons until killed.
Awesome, now the only question I have left is whether the bear will do physical or if there will be a cold damage morph so magjicka chars can get as much out of him.
Probably physical only, however ultimates scale based on your highest stats.
But won't scale with CP if you're magicka
True enough, but the frost ultimate won't scale with cp for stamina characters, it's all give and take.