The way I read this initially is that we cannot queue up as teams to compete and that everyone is just place on a random team. Or does it just mean that the group you queue with will be randomly assigned a team? So, for example, I queue up with three others as a team of four and we are "placed randomly" on the orange team one match but then the green team the next. It is a bit unclear. Was hoping @ZOS_BrianWheeler or @ZOS_RichLambert could confirm either way.The three teams, which you’ll be placed on randomly each match, don Purple, Orange, and Green.
Seraphayel wrote: »Queueing in groups should only be an option when you're playing against other groups. So group vs group vs group. If you're able to queue as a group and get thrown into matches with individual enemies as teammates the whole system will be a mess and destroy PvP.
I was surprised when they said that battlegrounds group formation would be random via a dungeon-finder style system. I thought the whole point would be to allow groups to set up fights with each other regardless of faction, like dueling but for teams instead of individuals.
They should set it up so that you can do it either way, PUGs vs PUGs or organized teams vs organized teams. That would be the most inclusive way to do it, and you'd probably get much more interesting pvp with coordinated small-scale groups duking it out against each other.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »In a recent article in game informer it was mentioned that you could solo queue or in groups of two. I think...
Im to lazy to go look it up again...
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »In a recent article in game informer it was mentioned that you could solo queue or in groups of two. I think...
Im to lazy to go look it up again...
I have been unable to find this article. Are you sure it was Game Informer? How recent was it? I would be very curious to read the article. Only being able to queue solo or as a group of two would be strange...
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
It is march 17 game informer just read it again. My mistake. Says you will be able to queue solo or in a four person group.
Which is still sort of strange to me. But it may be them trying to get around the issues their group finder seems to have.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
It is march 17 game informer just read it again. My mistake. Says you will be able to queue solo or in a four person group.
Which is still sort of strange to me. But it may be them trying to get around the issues their group finder seems to have.
@vyndral13preub18_ESO March 17? Do you mean February 17? I would appreciate a link if possible. I would love to have confirmation that we can queue solo and in four person groups.
In one of the many articles out today, one did mention you can queue as a group.
I read the ones that reddit had them all listed in one tidy thread.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »Sorry I dont have a link im old. I got the actual magazine in the mail a day or two ago. Issue 287 march 2017. Page 56 a couple pages on marrowind.
In one of the many articles out today, one did mention you can queue as a group.
I read the ones that reddit had them all listed in one tidy thread.
@MissBizz I looked through those as well. It is actually where I found the two article I linked to in the OP. I didn't see where it said you could queue as a group. Would you mind linking the article? I'll take a look back through too to see if I missed it.
@vyndral13preub18_ESO March 17? Do you mean February 17? I would appreciate a link if possible. I would love to have confirmation that we can queue solo and in four person groups.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »No. I made a mistake. I corrected it in there. It says solo or groups of four. It makes no mention of smaller groups.
andreasranasen wrote: »This is actually great! As much as it will sucks being placed in a pug group. I rather have that than pre-formed teams spamming destro ult or unkillable templars just dragging everything out.
brandonv516 wrote: »Same as every other MP game: Facing a stacked group? Quit. In a stacked group? Roll with it.