When I click play on the eso launcher My game goes to blackscreen instantly and crashes, Here is error message that has popped up.
eso has stopped working.
version = 0.01
ProductName = eso
Version =
branch = live
client.executablebits = 64
client.mode = startup
client.renderertype = D3D11
client.session_start_timestamp = 2017-02-22T02:34:01.362Z
client.timestamp = 2017-02-22T02:34:02.914Z -frme 0- = BUTTSNIFF-PC
computer.user = Buttsniff
cpu.arch = 9
cpu.count = 8
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 8664
data.depotid = 4000
data.dir = C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Zenimax Online/Th
data.syncm = databuild
data.version =
exe.buildnum = 1414235
exe.opt = release
exe.reltype = public
exe.type = client
gfx.description =
gfx.deviceid = 4576.95031336.161
gfx.driver = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770M
gfx.vendorid = 4318
mem.system_physical = 16105
os.osbits = 64
os.platform = windows
os.version = 6.1.7600.Service Pack 1
ptime = 1612
reportfield.ver = 3
version.major = 2
version.patch = 7
version.subpatch = 7
Here is what I've tried to fix this:
- Reinstalling my game ( From both steam and the website )
- Repairing it from the launcher
- Updating my graphics drivers
- Making sure that my game runs on my NVIDIA graphics card
- Running ESO as admin
- Removing any previous addons
- Crying
Please help, this issue has been happening to me for over a week and nothing seems to fix it.