swanvalkyrie wrote: »Hi All,
I've been using Deltias (Tamirel One) Mag Sorc build. I've been farming the Burning Spellweave (just need to make it gold). I had a friend make my other staff but it too is Gold and lighitning with Divines, and clothing is julianos (Purple).
With deltias build, I put down both Elemental Blockade and Lighquid Lightening, when I swap bars and do force pulse with light weaving (to proc C-Frags) its only doing about 10K all up I think. I am CP350 with Thives Mundas (spell crit runs at 63% I believe). When the boss is down to less than 20% health and I do mages fury it only does about 10k Damage?
swanvalkyrie wrote: »Yeah the willpower was given to me by a friend, I have been trying to find a new set. All of my clothing is magicka?
swanvalkyrie wrote: »Sorry I should have mentioned that I won't be using the girdle. I will be using all spellweave. I guess I should have made sure that allthe farming for spellweave was not only divines (which I have) but also increase magickaI don't remember what it has now... lame.
Same with llambris. Farming for the best products seriously takes months....
@Raghul how much dps does the pet do with daedric prey?
I am still thinking if I should use the imp is it worth it?
How big is the damage difference between someone not using a pet and someone using a pet (with daedric prey)?
Assuming equal skill and gearing, the guy using the familar with daedric prey will totally dominate at aoe fights. Single target they will be comparable, but you have to remember that the pet can get one shot in some cases and then a large part of your dps is gone until you resummon. He can be a liability at times that a petless sorc doesn't have to worry about. That said, I prefer using a pet after the Homestead buffs. The damage is just too real.
@Raghul how much dps does the pet do with daedric prey?
I am still thinking if I should use the imp is it worth it?
@Raghul how much dps does the pet do with daedric prey?
I am still thinking if I should use the imp is it worth it?
As you can see on my dps test there i had like 40k dps with the pet, here is a video of me doing the dps test with burning spellweave setup without pet, i had 36k dps here but keep in mind i had to apply drain myself all the time so there is abit of downtime because i can not cast another damage skill when i use ele drain myselfhttps://youtu.be/-9F7ZEVBx4g
And if you would like the build video for this:https://youtu.be/y6nBy06Lzmo
@Raghul how much dps does the pet do with daedric prey?
I am still thinking if I should use the imp is it worth it?
As you can see on my dps test there i had like 40k dps with the pet, here is a video of me doing the dps test with burning spellweave setup without pet, i had 36k dps here but keep in mind i had to apply drain myself all the time so there is abit of downtime because i can not cast another damage skill when i use ele drain myselfhttps://youtu.be/-9F7ZEVBx4g
And if you would like the build video for this:https://youtu.be/y6nBy06Lzmo
Thanks, I get around 34k dps without prey and pet (I also needed to reapply drain myself no one wanted to help me) But I am missing a sharp moodancer staff and sharp ma staff.
Ill try out the pet next time when I get onlineI also subscribed to you xD.
I am also not really of the numbers but is 34k good or is it decent?
@Raghul how much dps does the pet do with daedric prey?
I am still thinking if I should use the imp is it worth it?
As you can see on my dps test there i had like 40k dps with the pet, here is a video of me doing the dps test with burning spellweave setup without pet, i had 36k dps here but keep in mind i had to apply drain myself all the time so there is abit of downtime because i can not cast another damage skill when i use ele drain myselfhttps://youtu.be/-9F7ZEVBx4g
And if you would like the build video for this:https://youtu.be/y6nBy06Lzmo
Thanks, I get around 34k dps without prey and pet (I also needed to reapply drain myself no one wanted to help me) But I am missing a sharp moodancer staff and sharp ma staff.
Ill try out the pet next time when I get onlineI also subscribed to you xD.
I am also not really of the numbers but is 34k good or is it decent?
@Raghul how much dps does the pet do with daedric prey?
I am still thinking if I should use the imp is it worth it?
As you can see on my dps test there i had like 40k dps with the pet, here is a video of me doing the dps test with burning spellweave setup without pet, i had 36k dps here but keep in mind i had to apply drain myself all the time so there is abit of downtime because i can not cast another damage skill when i use ele drain myselfhttps://youtu.be/-9F7ZEVBx4g
And if you would like the build video for this:https://youtu.be/y6nBy06Lzmo
Thanks, I get around 34k dps without prey and pet (I also needed to reapply drain myself no one wanted to help me) But I am missing a sharp moodancer staff and sharp ma staff.
Ill try out the pet next time when I get onlineI also subscribed to you xD.
I am also not really of the numbers but is 34k good or is it decent?
34K is very good m8, and thanks alot for the subscription!i really appreciete it
@Raghul how much dps does the pet do with daedric prey?
I am still thinking if I should use the imp is it worth it?
As you can see on my dps test there i had like 40k dps with the pet, here is a video of me doing the dps test with burning spellweave setup without pet, i had 36k dps here but keep in mind i had to apply drain myself all the time so there is abit of downtime because i can not cast another damage skill when i use ele drain myselfhttps://youtu.be/-9F7ZEVBx4g
And if you would like the build video for this:https://youtu.be/y6nBy06Lzmo
Thanks, I get around 34k dps without prey and pet (I also needed to reapply drain myself no one wanted to help me) But I am missing a sharp moodancer staff and sharp ma staff.
Ill try out the pet next time when I get onlineI also subscribed to you xD.
I am also not really of the numbers but is 34k good or is it decent?
34k is surely enough to do anything on the game well. The border to good is around ~30k on single target. So no worries
[..]Hey! We'd need more info from you, easiest is usually to get the addon "mybuild" and post a Screenshot here, that contains all we need to know in order to help you