Because making the materials rare means you can't make what you want, and so you get frustrated and will eventually just give in and buy the finished furnishings from the Crown store!
I figured he may like to adventure in the wedding dress for a bit!
I think there's more herb nodes in general than there are cloth or lumber nodes - I know I've certainly got more resin than heartwood or bast put together. And if you're just farming decorative waxes, go to Rivenspire - the locked house next to the mage's guild has no NPCs and will net you usually a wax per clear, along with the possibility of blueprints and general thievey-stuff.
Yeah bast and heartwood seem to be the rarest for me. Someone was saying it just seems that way because so many of the furniture recipes use it. That could be the case, but I swear the drops are rarer for these.
MercTheMage wrote: »Could someone plz explain to me wtf is going on?
I've been farming for the past 4 hours, not a single bast drop from silk nodes, and no guild trader anywhere seems to have.
I have actually seen a lot of players running up like they are picking silks and taking what they want and leaving the rest behind. Its not just silks its been all the mats. I have been out fishing for a week and seen this by several players. So more than likely someone hit that node first and took the bast and left the rest.
MercTheMage wrote: »
Who would be stupid enough to leave ancestor silk behind tho?
Same. I keep running out of it.
I had thought the same thing.
Yeah bast and heartwood seem to be the rarest for me. Someone was saying it just seems that way because so many of the furniture recipes use it. That could be the case, but I swear the drops are rarer for these.
I think acutally Clean Pelts are going to be the hardest to come by. One reason is that ZOS recently nerfed the drop rate on those a bit by removing the CP passive for Plentiful Harvest from clean pelts. I'm not sure why, it's a node like any other except I guess they figure you shouldn't be able to get two pelts from one animal. I know, that's really taboo in a fantasy game