On PC I'm running a GTX 980 with a SSD
On PS4 I have a SSHD
I run both on the highest speed Verizon Fios has to offer. Fiber optics.
Trying to decide which system to buy the game on? I've battled on the fields of both PS4 and PC....and this is what I've discovered...
Both systems have their pros and cons.
The biggest advantage PC has over console for me is NOT the graphics. Even though I have a powerful graphics card and SSD when I run the game on PC at Ultimate settings it still lags (These dips in performance do not happen all of the time....but it does happen often enough to annoy me). Which is interesting considering that out of the 100+ games in my Steam library all set at the highest possible settings....ESO is the only one that lags at the highest possible settings. When I lower the graphics settings to "High"...all of the issues disappear and the game runs almost flawlessly at a locked 60 FPS or higher. Even with graphics set to ULTIMATE the difference between PC and PS4 are not mind blowing. I hear all the time people say "The draw distance on PC is way further than on PS4"....BS....even when I have the draw distance set to max on PC there are still fogged areas in the distance (At max distance set you will still see fog at like 200-300 yards away). Is the draw distance on the PC further than PS4? Yes, maybe, but not by much....honestly its hard for me to tell. I do know that when I log into PC and set ultra settings I still see the fog. As far as graphics are concerned when you are comparing the "High" level setting on PC to the PS4 standard setting....there is NOT a huge difference. I think the only difference I really noticed was the water, smoother edges, and I think some rocks maybe had more detail. It wasnt game changing for me when I switched between PC and PS4 in terms of graphics.
So what is the biggest advantage PC has over PS4 for me? Frames Per Second. The FPS on the PS4 is set at 30 and on the PC it can go way over 60. You'll hear people all the time make the argument "Well thats ok because your eyes cannot see more than 30 FPS anyway"....which might be a decent argument if the frames were permanently locked at 30 FPS and could not drop. The biggest problem on PS4 is that when frames drop around or under 20 FPS you start blinking around the map. Even if the frames drop to 25 FPS I notice. I don't understand why any games in the year 2017 would release at 30 FPS knowing fully well that the game will drop below 30 FPS and become almost unplayable.
Where does PS4 have advantages over PC? I'd definitely say the population size on the PS4 is noticeably larger. I cannot walk 10 feet in the cities without tripping over another player. There are people literally everywhere. When I log onto PC there are still a decent amount of players but no where near the amount of people I see on PS4. I'm not sure if the XBox One population is as big as the PS4 population. I always buy First Person Shooter games on consoles instead of PC because the PC populations on games like that die out way faster. I think that might be the issue here. There are just so many options for games on PC that it is hard to retain a population on a multiplayer game. Also, I prefer to play with a controller on a big screen TV as opposed to a monitor. It just feels so much more relaxing to play on a couch or bed as opposed to sitting upright in a chair for hours. Some of us spend all day at work on a keyboard and monitor....and going home to play on a keyboard and monitor is not exactly appealing for a lot of us. Even though you can play on PC with a controller you will be at a disadvantage compared to those playing with a keyboard and mouse. However, aim assist for the controller lowers the advantage gap between the controller and keyboard and mouse. When I use a controller on PC I still can dominate in PvP, but I also realize that my aim and turning would be more precise/quicker on a keyboard and mouse.
A lot of people complain about the PS4 UI. However, for me...this is not an issue. It does take time getting used to....but is more of a preference once you get the hang of it.
Yes, you give up addons on PS4. However, everyone is on the same playing field. There are not people with better addons than others or a lot of hackers on PS4. Everyone is equal on the PS4...and I do think that brings a lot of value to that version of the game. Also, I like on PS4 how you can just plug a mic into the controller and talk to anyone you want. PC players will make the argument "Well on PC if you just download this program or that program and go through steps A, B, and C....you can do the same thing"....as tempting as it sounds to download more software onto my computer, lose storage space, and go through the painful process of creating accounts and passwords and minimizing screens just to log in to talk to other players.....when it comes to immersion nothing beats plugging a mic into a controller and instantly entering the conversation. For people without mics or who do not like to talk....you can buy mini Keyboards that plug directly into the PS4 and XBox One controllers.
Even though I have both version I spend more time on the PC for the increase in FPS. I was hoping that the consoles would get 60 FPS on the PS4 Pro and XBox One Scorpio versions....but it does not look like that is going to happen.
Edited by Kaide on February 18, 2017 11:52AM