Vampire and werewolf discussion

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This discussion is to talk about anything in eso related to werewolfs and Vampires wether that be home decor looking for bites discussing lore Vampire and werewolf guilds and even what you would like to see done in future. Or even Vampire and werewolf related quests or npcs
Edited by bloodthirstyvampire on February 17, 2017 4:43PM
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Ok ive been thinking its kinda odd that vampires only have 2 skills and 1 ultimate so i have an idea for 2 others skill

    Summon gargoyle were a vamp can summon a much weaker version of the gargoyle

    Blood bomb this takes advantage of vampire stages basically all the stored blood you took from enemies gets turned in to a powerful ball of blood that can be shot at enemies each shot increases the vamp stage and gets significantly weaker per stage the reason its so powerful is because by the 4th stage its not worth using as it drains your own blood reducing health
  • Lynx7386
    Just a question:

    I've been a werewolf on my main for a long time now, but a while back I respected and didn't put any points back into it (needed points for crafting).

    Recently I've gotten more skull points, and filled out the tree again. The same day, someone asked for a wolf bite,but I was unable to use it.

    So... if you respec and have to put points back into blood moon, do you have to wait another 7 days before being able to convert someone again?
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    Just a question:

    I've been a werewolf on my main for a long time now, but a while back I respected and didn't put any points back into it (needed points for crafting).

    Recently I've gotten more skull points, and filled out the tree again. The same day, someone asked for a wolf bite,but I was unable to use it.

    So... if you respec and have to put points back into blood moon, do you have to wait another 7 days before being able to convert someone again?
    Yes you still have to wait 7 days regardless of if you respec or not
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Id like to see screenshots with Vampire and werewolf style homes
  • Jemcrystal
    Discussing vamp and ww focus on bites.

    I don't think asking for a bite on forums is a good idea. It is simply to hard to meet someone in the game because timezones. Tho I did get a bite from a forummate on my first vamp turning. Best bet for a bite is to ask your guildmates. Second best try is to stand in the zone that is your alliances' alter and spam chat for a bite. Third best is to simply lurk at an alter like a star stuck paparazzi. Being on when game is at high population a help. Be patient it will happen do not give up and buy it from the store.

    Remember what it was like for you to want a bite so much and no one was there for you? Go to that alter's zone and give a shout in zone chat, "Anyone want a bite!?" Give the love of darkness back to your fellow beings.

    Now it has been said that you can stand at any alter and be bitten even if it is NOT YOUR ALLIANCE ALTER. I think this is a falsehood. I have many times come to my alliance alter where I was turned and did my supernatural quest at to find many people standing around wanting to be bitten BUT I CANNOT BITE THEM. Yet there will be at least one who qualifies and I'll chomp them so it is not on my end with the red tape.

    Here is what might stop you from being bitten:
    1) You must be close to the alter or standing on top of it.
    2) You must not have contracted a disease from the other supernatural community. IE you cannot become both vamp and ww. You cannot use the other sup as a cure. Only a priest can cure you.
    3) Lag and addons might get in the way of a good biting.
    4) Never found out if having Settings > Gameplay > Prevent Attacking Innocents On/Off has any affect so I leave my set to attack innocents.
    5) Buying a bite from the cash shop or getting bit by an npc are other options if you do not like to interact with other players. It is just an option tho not a must.
    6) As I stated above I really do think you should be bitten at your alliance's alter. I know this is hard for AD. They have rats and boss mobs guarding their alter. If that is not enough it is tucked away on the other side of a fat fartn mountain with only one convenient wayshrine some distance away (yes I'm salty about this). It is like the dev(s) did not want elves and bosmer to be turned. Or it was zone assigned to different devs and they just had their own ideas.

    Good luck all.
  • Kagetenchu
    Yes you can be bitten at an altar not in your alliance. However you must do the quest at the altar in your alliance.
  • idk
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    Just a question:

    I've been a werewolf on my main for a long time now, but a while back I respected and didn't put any points back into it (needed points for crafting).

    Recently I've gotten more skull points, and filled out the tree again. The same day, someone asked for a wolf bite,but I was unable to use it.

    So... if you respec and have to put points back into blood moon, do you have to wait another 7 days before being able to convert someone again?


    Putting points back in, you can bite someone almost immediately. It requires logging out and back in before the game recognizes you placed the points there.

    This is the case if you were a vamp or WW for at least a week after leveling it high enough for that passive.

    I speak from experience on with the same thing on at least 2 vampires.
  • Jemcrystal
    Id like to see screenshots with Vampire and werewolf style homes

    I haven't got that far yet but heres some pics of furniture that might apply:
  • Jemcrystal
    Reddit has a bite thread:

    I made maps. I use addons. Movie reference.*

    Ebonheart Pact

    Aldmeri Dominion

  • KBKB
    Passive stealth bonus for life!
  • Jacozilla
    Kagetenchu wrote: »
    Yes you can be bitten at an altar not in your alliance. However you must do the quest at the altar in your alliance.

    Not true. Or at least, not for me.

    Just got bit today - first time for this character and only second time for vampire on account. This char is DC alliance, but was in Rift asking for vamp bite in zone chat.

    Went to altar in Rift with player who bit me, got turned into vamp, and did my click on the altar there to start quest, enter the special quest solo zone, and complete the process.

    But - when I exited that quest solo zone, it did put me out in Bangkorai, so it does appear to know what alliance I am with, and spits me out into the zone that aligns with my character.

    The first char I did it with was also DC, entered in Bangkorai, and exited there, so didn't know this till just now. Maybe the alliance altar thing is a remnant of the old pre-locked alliance days? For sure now with one tamriel, you can enter any altar, get bit at any altar and start quest
  • Jemcrystal
    Next: What level do you have to be?

    Both to be bitten and to do the quest that follows. Note you are not vampire if you are bitten (I have not done ww so not speaking for them yet). You have to do the quest that follows being bitten. It will be a scroll you pick up off the alter OF YOUR ALLIANCE = Rift-EP / Reaper's March-AD / Bangkorai-DC. It will teleport you inside the alter. One time only instance; not repeatable if finished.

    I see no reason you could not be bitten at level 1?

    To be on the safe side I progressed to level 6/7. The alter instance mobs are not hard. But if you have trouble killing wolves or smaller mobs you should collect shards and level skills. I read somewhere that you can leave and come back to the instance if not completed? -If you really need to level up some more. An internet search will tell you mobs in vamp instance are extremely hard. This is old information. The mobs have been nerfed long ago.

    If you have addons that reduce npc chat disable them before going in. I confirm NPCmuter interferes badly with cutscenes.
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