Another Speed Nerf?

Lately I've been running around Tamriel and I feel like my character is even slower than before. I read the patch notes and they didn't say that there was another speed decrease, but the last one wasn't intended and they never fixed it, so I guess I'm wondering if anyone else that's been playing for a while has noticed how gummed up movement feels compared to the earlier versions.

I've even compared two of my own recordings, one from 1.5 and the other from this latest patch and even the bar swap animation is noticeably slower. Not just the character animation, but the actual swappy UI effect of the bar. Anyone else feeling the grip?
EP Sorc: Aydinn
AD Stamplar: Verdant`Knight
DC Stamblade: Apple`Punch
EP Stam Sorc: Kós
AD DragonKnight: Transmigrant
EP NIghtblade: Aydinn
  • Egonieser
    Kova wrote: »
    Lately I've been running around Tamriel and I feel like my character is even slower than before. I read the patch notes and they didn't say that there was another speed decrease, but the last one wasn't intended and they never fixed it, so I guess I'm wondering if anyone else that's been playing for a while has noticed how gummed up movement feels compared to the earlier versions.

    I've even compared two of my own recordings, one from 1.5 and the other from this latest patch and even the bar swap animation is noticeably slower. Not just the character animation, but the actual swappy UI effect of the bar. Anyone else feeling the grip?

    Yes, and the attacks seem to "stick" a lot more often, sometimes animations are not playing out. Homestead brought a lot of glitches to the table.
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • ADarklore
    I've noticed weapon swapping is slower, makes me wonder if this is related to the changes involving unsheathing weapon. If you notice now, when moving or in menu, if you swap bars your weapon doesn't actually unsheathe like it used to. I think there is something buggy going on with it because weapon swapping now seems to be slower/sluggish compared to pre-update. If I'm running and I weapon swap, it no longer unsheathes the weapon, not until I activate a skill, and it is during this time that swapping seems to have slowed. I liked it better when I weapon swapped that the weapon would unsheathe and be ready for combat.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • WitchyWarrior
    Soo much slower! It is a bit frustrating. To say the least.
    Edited by WitchyWarrior on February 17, 2017 2:37AM
  • Lake
    I was wondering if I was just imagining things. It did seem slower for me.
  • TequilaFire
    It has been Elder Slow Online for a while now compared to how it used to be.
    I used to rave about the fluid character movement.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Oh good I thought it was just me . The molasses on the shoes bug is back .
  • ZiRM
    Me too, thought I was imagining things.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • BRogueNZ
    Noticed this as well but i figured it was just relative when when I'm not stealthing around in shadow dancer
  • Waseem
    They sure as hell made this thread sink and overlooked it quite well :)
    PC EU

  • Jameliel
    Whole game is sluggish and clunky.
  • Maryal
    I assumed it was lag, but I noticed it as well ... even weapon swapping and animations have been quirky ... if I ambush I can end up inside the boss's mesh, or on the far side of the mob (the mob ends up behind me), while at other times my toon won't move even though I hear the skill go off (the mob didn't move, so it wasn't that). This has been occurring in Summerset (pc/na)
    Edited by Maryal on October 7, 2018 8:04AM
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