leepalmer95 wrote: »Because dodge usually negates all dmg done to you.
The more people attacking the more mitigation is actually does.
With shields the more people attacking the less effective they are.
People don't seem to understand this. Dodge roll has the absolute best scaling of all defensive mechanics in the game. Assuming all incoming attacks are dodgeable, this means that for outnumbered situations dodge-roll becomes the be all end all of defensive mechanics, mitigating 100% of incoming damage from unlimited sources. If there weren't undodgeable attacks then there would be no reason to build for any other type of defensive mechanic except dodge-roll.
Because of this scaling, it is only logical that some counter to dodge roll needed to be added. Personally, I think beams and aoes make the most sense to be undodgeable, since its attached to you and whatnot.
Healing is an amazing defensive mechanic, probably the strongest in the game because of the presence of undodgeable attacks. However, the current meta allows for enough coordinated spike damage to mitigate all but the most focused healing in small scale situation and there will always be a point where the incoming damage gets to be too great to outheal. Healing is countered by spike damage and healing debuffs, this keeps it balanced.
Blocking allows you incredible mitigations, however it scales poorly in the 1-4 targets range until you cap out on the incoming attacks draining resources. Once you're receiving more than 1 attack per 1/2 second blockings defensive mechanic starts to scale upward and become more efficient. Blocking is countered by numerous CCs, no stam regen, the reduction in mobility, DoTs and the inability to block cast specific skills. This keeps it balanced
Damage shields are the absolute worst scaling defensive mechanic available. While stacking shield or even just being diligent about keeping dampen/harness up can work as a great counter in 1v1 or even 1v2 situations, any more incoming damage than that becomes far too great for a shield stack to keep up with. Damage shields have terrible scaling, are countered by focused damage and timing burst during CCs, this keeps them balanced.
Hopefully this puts to bed the complaints about dodge roll...
You forget that you cant crit damage shields which make them harder to burst against, and if someone uses damage shields while blocking or reflecting even better.
Also poisons that drain resources as well, which further counter a lot of the above but require you to stay alive long enough for them to work, well more than occassionally they work after I die....
thankyourat wrote: »
Yes but even though damage shields can't be crit It's still doesn't scale well. if multiple people attack a player who is using damage shields the shield won't be able to survive the burst, and will be taking down almost instantly.
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »Dodge roll is for sure an amazing defensive mechanic. But let's not kid ourselves and say shields arent. Watch even a mediocre sorc go into a group of people with a 25k to 30k shield and come out alive and unscathed. There is no increase to casting shields and they can be stacked. Every dodge roll drains your resources. It's bad enough a Stam user needs to use his main damage resource also for defense, imagine light armor users dodge rolling with a quarter of the resources. At least they only need Stam for dodge roll, block, and break free. All their remaining skills are from a completely different resource. You act like once the shields have been burst down the person can't simply just put them back up.
I'm not saying buff dodge roll. I'm not saying nerf shields. I'm being realistic. Theory crafting is fun and all but in actual gameplay shields are NOT weak by any standards. It's honestly the main reason people have cried about dodge roll AND shields since launch. They even nerfed sorc shields and it's still strong.
I'm personally fine with AoE hitting through dodge roll. Same with channeled abilities. I wasn't to happy when they changed the consecutive cost of roll dodging but I know they will never change it back. Honestly I don't even think it was a huge problem. It was only a few people making very specific builds that were doing it and they weren't that powerful. People just got annoyed because a group of people would chase a rolly Polly who has retreating maneuver on and no one could kill him. As soon as those people went on the offensive they died though.
Precisely this.
Let's imagine a hypothetical 15k damage shield, granted by 1 button press. Taken alone, in a 1v1, this is incredibly strong, you effectively need to do 15k damage to negate 1 press of a button. Let's say you do 9k damage with surprise attack. In this example, the shield is strong.
However, let's look at a 1v3 situation with the same shield: In this case, the 3 incoming attacks of 9k will vastly overpower the strength of the shield. 1 GCD from 3 attackers will clear the shield. 1 hit is non-crit, the second drops the shield and the overflow damage CAN crit, the third hits the unprotected health pool fully.
This is an example of why damage shields are a very limited defense and why sorcs can give people so much trouble in duels. While damage shields can be nigh-unbreakable 1v1, requiring you to time burst when they're down, they're virtually useless against multiple opponents. If the opponents are capable the absolute best you can hope for is to keep shield stacking as long as possible and prolong the inevitable.
However, with dodge roll you can completely mitigate all incoming, dodgeable damage. This means that even with 20 incoming sources of dodgeable damage you'll have 100% mitigation. This is without mentioning armor sets, passives, mobility, or any of the other benefits dodge roll gives
Hopefully this can ease some of the OPs concerns with dodge roll as a viable defensive mechanic.
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Dodge rolling has become very bad in this game, as has stamina in general. My suggestion to stamina users: play something else until ZOS addresses the gross imbalances.
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Dodge rolling has become very bad in this game, as has stamina in general. My suggestion to stamina users: play something else until ZOS addresses the gross imbalances.
(Stamina classes dont run shields or purges, dodge its their main defensive mechanics,
Actually, this is 100% wrong. The main defense of stamina builds(that aren't blocking) is not dodge roll but actually maintaining heavy incoming hots through vigor, rally, and various weapon skills. The dodge roll is used to provide a brief invulnerability frame to allow these hots to top your health off while building for a rally burst heal. Magika Nightblades that aren't shield stacking are actually very like stam builds in this sense except healing ward substitutes for dodge roll and is more effective because its not hard countered by any mechanics.
I'm not saying that stam is in a good place, I truly believe magika is grossly overpowered right now. That gap would instantly be closed greatly with destro ult being brought into balance. However, I think dodge roll still has a good place in combat atm and I think we should look for other ways to bring stamina more on par with magika.
Metemsycosis wrote: »And you can still have sick burst after dodge rolling ten times. Or blocking for thirty seconds etc
Actually, this is 100% wrong. The main defense of stamina builds(that aren't blocking) is not dodge roll but actually maintaining heavy incoming hots through vigor, rally, and various weapon skills. The dodge roll is used to provide a brief invulnerability frame to allow these hots to top your health off while building for a rally burst heal. Magika Nightblades that aren't shield stacking are actually very like stam builds in this sense except healing ward substitutes for dodge roll and is more effective because its not hard countered by any mechanics.
I'm not saying that stam is in a good place, I truly believe magika is grossly overpowered right now. That gap would instantly be closed greatly with destro ult being brought into balance. However, I think dodge roll still has a good place in combat atm and I think we should look for other ways to bring stamina more on par with magika.
Actually, this is 100% wrong. The main defense of stamina builds(that aren't blocking) is not dodge roll but actually maintaining heavy incoming hots through vigor, rally, and various weapon skills. The dodge roll is used to provide a brief invulnerability frame to allow these hots to top your health off while building for a rally burst heal. Magika Nightblades that aren't shield stacking are actually very like stam builds in this sense except healing ward substitutes for dodge roll and is more effective because its not hard countered by any mechanics.
I'm not saying that stam is in a good place, I truly believe magika is grossly overpowered right now. That gap would instantly be closed greatly with destro ult being brought into balance. However, I think dodge roll still has a good place in combat atm and I think we should look for other ways to bring stamina more on par with magika.
thankyourat wrote: »
I have been seeing people say magicka is overpowered, but I'm just not seeing it. Stamina builds still seem really powerful and in the case of stam dk and stam sorc it feels like they are kind of over performing. Like I would still much rather fight a magicka sorc instead of a stamina sorc. I also feel like magicka classes have far worse sustain than their stamina counterparts, Forcing magicka builds into running a sustain set while stamina builds can stack 3 damage sets. The time I do find magicka to be op is when I'm zerg surfing but if I'm just solo roaming cyrodiil stamina builds still seem stronger just because of higher burst and more mobility. no matter what on my mag builds I get pinned down even if I'm running mist form, I get pinned down alot less when playing stamina. for me it's alot easier to beat magicka builds 1v1 than it is for me to beat their stamina counterpart with magblade being the exception. Both magicka and stamina feel viable right now. I'm really not seeing the whole stamina needs a buff thing. Maybe I should play more group play so I could get a different perspective
mmm... Well, yes HoT's are indeed important, but right now the only defensive mechanic you have as a stamina build is dodge or blocking. You wont be able to survive the burst otherwise, and even if you dodge now you might still get blown in a second.
For example, even with rally and vigor HoT's (which are the 2 main if not all the heals a regular stamina build has), a magicka sorcerer gets a: Curse (undodgeable & unblockable) => Light attack => Force shock (undodgeable)=> Mage wrath => Streak (undodgeable) => C-Frag or what ever Ultimate he have (Soul asault, Meteor, EoS... All Undodgeable and some even unblockable..) => Your death. With or with out HoT's and Dodgeing or not. And this rotation does not even include poisons.
Before the patch it was similar, but the issue now it's the increased amount fo sorcerers out there, just takes them as much skill as casting Haunting Curse on you, and your done, each will hit for 6 to 10k damage depending the sorcerer, and theres nothing you can do but run away as a medium armour stamina build with no purge and dodgeroll barely working.
So people that say Mag Sorcerer is in a balance position *** me off, beacuse if it was so people would not had switched from stamina builds to magicka sorcerers or mag DK's after the update. The combination of the changed skills and new passives it's what makes the unbalance real, and the issue it's not solved by buffing stamina next patch and having a unplayable game, balance has to come from a more general point of view getting rid of badly designed mechanics and lowering the damage output (which from my point of view, i described those on the previous post.)
In the other side, Magicka DK's and Magicka templars with 1HS can pretty much perma block while doing high amount of damage or heals... Anyone with their feet in the ground would understand that block casting should'nt be allowed. Either you block (defensive) or use skills (Heals or DPS), doing both turns a DPS or Healer into a tank that can take damage every 8 seconds now for a brief period of time if the player and build are OK. This badly designed mechanic it's probably the reason there are so many cancer builds out there and probably it is responsable of other awful designed mechanic => Unblockable skills (Yep, EoS, Curse, Power of the light... HUGE burst damage, and nothing yu can do if its not mist form or spamm heals or shields. Other wise your ***).