So I am starting ESO up again after being away for a while, and I started a new character! A nord Dragon knight, and I want to know what are the best strategies for being an Tank. I want to be able to take huge hits and not feel anything. I'm currently level 15, and I thought I'd reach out for help instead of blindly building. My abilities are as follows
Ultimate: Magma Armor
Skill 1: Molten weapons, morphed to Molten armaments.
Skill 2: Spiked armor, morphed to Hardened armor
Skill 3: Puncture, morphed to Pierce armor
Skill 4: Defensive posture
Skill 5: Obsidian Shield
and I use sword and shield but I'd like to use two handed weapons, but is there a taunt skill that does not require me to use one hand and shield?
Sajhorn of Stormwind, Protector of Snow, Warden of the North