Seriously people! These leeches need to learn and stop being carried. We have to draw a line and kick them before carrying stamina lightweights even becomes a thing. Show no mercy, kick them before they have a chance to say "hurricane, rearming trap", kick them so they see that they need to change their dirty stamina ways. Kick them before they've even pressed the "search for group"! KICK THEM!
Sorry I know there are other threads discussing balance but I couldn't help trolling that monthly thread that pops up seeing as how ZOS have trolled me pretty hard. This dead horse deserves to be beaten until it's kicked!
I'm an average player. I knew changes were incoming but I didn't know how bad until last night.
Over five months, by slowly learning, upgrading and improving, I've worked my way up from being carried by guildies to helping carry others myself. This week I've been nerfed back to where I was 5 months ago with 200 fewer CP and garbage armour!? A 15 percent drop. Not 2 percent, not 5 percent, not even 10. My stam sorc got hit by the perfect storm of kraghs crit, hurricane and trap. It feels brilliant, just freaking brilliant!
So, I know I was getting above myself. I've learnt my lesson. I will go back to being the one who's carried and in the meantime guys, kick the stam dd's! kick them before they bring your whole pug down! It's the way ZOS wants it. You know it's right
Not to be mistaken with my other thread:
"I got booted from a pug for being a stam DD"