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help me become a pro healer

Hello i usually run a magika dps nb but i always wanted to run a healer so if u can help me with advice and maybe a solid build that would be awesome
Q.1 which class should i use temp or sorc?
Q.2 is there specific gear i shuld use?
Q.3 do i only use healing spells or do i use dps or aoe also?

  • onemoredragon
    I'd like to give you very general advice on healing in ESO, because all other info regarding skills and gear choices and current meta you can easily find by yourself, say, on YouTubes (for example, check Deltia's Gaming channel, a lot of useful info about various aspects of the game in there).

    I personally would recommend trying out Templar first, it has a dedicated healing skill line, which makes healing easier on that class than on any others, in my opinion. You also have an access to a very good burst healing ability Breath of Life, which can save you and teammates in tough situations (for example, Sorcerer has a burst heal ability too, which is Twilight Matriarch, but as a pet, it can be killed and you will have to re-summon it, losing precious time. That's why easily accessible burst heal like BoL can help you out as a starter.) However, if you really want to be very very pro, learning how to heal on every class will only benefit to your healer experience :)

    Also there's one important thing to remember, it's really nice to deal damage as well. Because you cannot heal the mob to death, right? :) Of course it depends on what kind of content you're doing. The more organized group you have, the more chance that you can deal damage too and let your reliable teammates sustain themselves.
    PC EU @OneMoreDragon

    Rakshasi Raijina, khajiit sorceror, adventurer and crafter
    Keel-Neesha, argonian dragonknight tank
    Asharlys, orc templar tank
    Wanheda Praimfaya, nord necromancer tank
    Alessia Whitegold, redguard templar 2h/bow DD
    Mitsuro Naztharune, khajiit dragonknight dw/bow DD
    Viannereth, bosmer warden bow/bow DD
    Moraelyn of Ra'athim, dunmer necromancer magicka DD

    So long as the dragonfires shall burn, to you, and to all generations, I swear that my Hearts blood shall hold fast the Gates of Oblivion.
  • xXD2GXxTwitchy
    @kaelynn_darktale thank you for the advice it kinda gave me a grasp on what type of healer i want 2 play

    You pointed out that i cant heal a foe to death and the temp that has great healing and access to a decent damage pool makes perfect sense 2 me
    Also i could possibly evan do some pvp if i use the temp right

    So thanks 4 the advice
    I appreciate it
    Thank you
  • Veraen
    I agree. Templar is the way to go for healing characters. Healing on other classes is fun, but more of a challenge.

    For example you could do a dragonknight healer for the group shield (obsidian shield). Also, the morph of inferno (called cauterize) and the morph of stonefist (obsidian shard) both heal too. However, they are a bit more geared towards combat healing and in my opinion are better for Cyrodil and healing yourself, though they do heal other targets...

    There are some exotic builds out there for sorcerer and nightblade healers, but if you want the most desirable powerhouse easy to play healer, it's Templar all the way.
    Veræn → XB1/NA
  • greylox
    Learn on a Templar, make a Sorc if you want a challenge. But don't underestimate the Twilight's heal, 20k+ crits are easily obtainable although maybe a tad too much. The base skills are on the resto staff; the class and player will make or break a healer beyond that.
    Edited by greylox on February 7, 2017 1:57AM
    PC EU

    House of the Black Lotus
    *{Smokes-in-the-Shade }* (Mag pet Sorc Argonian, prolific thief, willing participant of the dark arts, gardener of exotic...herbs)
    {Lugdum The Mechanist} (Hybrid Orc Templar, collector of ancient Ayleid smoking pipes)
    {Rantoul} (Dark Elf Magknight, likes an ale between boss fights, has been known to offer daedric princes out in a fist fight)
    {Red, The Wanderer} (Bosmer stam sorc and hunter extraordinaire)
    {Shoots-For-Stars} (Argonian Mag pet Sorc Ice mage Healer)
    *{Jinny the spark }* (Sassy Imperial Stamplar)
    {Crezzi the Drifter} (Magblade khajiit burglar, available for questionable operations)
    {Grif the Despised} (StamKnight Tank Nord, Eastmarch Master Drinker and spinner of tall yarns)
    {Geraldine Stone-Heart} (High Elf MagSorc Ice Tank, Mystic, practitioner of the ancient arts)
    *{Anawinn}* (Stam pet Ward Redguard, Mother to a bear and an unruly Hunger,Librarian, field medic and natures fist)

    { CP 900+ }

    Caretaker of Battle Island (Grand Topal), the holiday destination for the discerning warrior
    Residing in Stay-Moist Mansion-Shadowfen - The Smoking Den (as of 6th feb 2017)

  • Thraben
    @kaelynn_darktale thank you for the advice it kinda gave me a grasp on what type of healer i want 2 play

    You pointed out that i cant heal a foe to death and the temp that has great healing and access to a decent damage pool makes perfect sense 2 me
    Also i could possibly evan do some pvp if i use the temp right

    So thanks 4 the advice
    I appreciate it
    Thank you

    Healers in PvP are almost exclusively Templars now, because the resto staff can't compete with the new Ritual healing skill (the one which doesn't slow you).

    Sorc healers in PvP can offheal, though, because someone needs to purge and needs to buff with combat prayer.

    You will be glad to hear that even while soloing, Templars are FAR stronger than your magNB if they equip the right sets.
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Keep an open mind and Practice. Practice, practice, practice...

    There is simply no substitute for getting out there and learning by the 'seat of your pants' what works and what doesn't for you and the group you're with. Good luck!
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Draqone
    Please note a healer, especially in endgame trials, is more like a support. You are expected to buff allies and debuff enemies. You take care of the players health pools but you also take care of their mana pools and if templar, stamina pools.
    ESO Balance:
    “All skills are equal, but some skills are more equal than others.”
  • psxfloh
    note: this adivce might be an oversimplification, but should suffice for most cases..

    imho you have to seperate between
    - normal dungeons: usually don't require a healer at all
    - vet dungeons: roll a templar dd and put BoL on both bars (only 1 bar if you're quick ;)) + 1-2 other healing skills of your choice
    - normal trials: class doesn't matter, bring healing springs and you're fine
    - vet trials: that's a whole different universe where you really should take every advice you can get and need to coordinate skills and buffs+debuffs you should provide with your hopefully dedicated and competent raid leader
    - pvp: sorry, I don't like pvp.. so no advice from me..
    Edited by psxfloh on February 9, 2017 10:31AM
  • maltinkilic
    Go for healing spring for main healing. You can do damage if your party is above 70% health. Renew healing spring and continue. You can heal most of the veteran dungeons this wa. For ulti champions light is very neat. The best thing is it is not channeled. You can do other stuffs after casting it(res your teammates, close the valves of engine guardian etc)

    For set 5 pieces of spell power cure is a must. Also consider 5 piece of twilight set along with SPC. think about a templar healer spamming shards to do damage. These shards gibe stamina to group member when synergy activated. It heals them(twilight remedy) and if they are at max health their damage increases(SPC). For the last slot you can use troll king or rkugamz.
  • maltinkilic
    Go for healing spring for main healing. You can do damage if your party is above 70% health. Renew healing spring and continue. You can heal most of the veteran dungeons this wa. For ulti champions light is very neat. The best thing is it is not channeled. You can do other stuffs after casting it(res your teammates, close the valves of engine guardian etc)

    For set 5 pieces of spell power cure is a must. Also consider 5 piece of twilight set along with SPC. think about a templar healer spamming shards to do damage. These shards gibe stamina to group member when synergy activated. It heals them(twilight remedy) and if they are at max health their damage increases(SPC). For the last slot you can use troll king or rkugamz.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I run a magplar healer that I'm very happy with. One thing that helped her early training was informally healing dolmens. When there are about 6 players (too many more and there's no need; too few and you get dragged into DD). It is a great place to practice new rotations, skill combos and practice 'reading' the battlefield for what is needed and where. That it is chaotic and disorganized is a plus. That - while learning - no one is counting on you is another plus.

    When she started running with groups, I found that the chaotic dolmen practice had helped a great deal.

    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Lynx7386
    I've healed on every class, and while templar is certainly the easiest I have the most fun on my current dragon knight healer. You have a little less healing power, but provide a lot more utility and support to the group.

    Igneous shield gives a damage shield to my whole team and gives me 30% stronger heals for a few seconds.
    Molten weapons boosts team damage and frees up major sorcery/brutality ability slots for others.
    Talons can help keep enemies under control if the tank is having issues or the enemy comes after you or the dps.
    The magma shell ultimate gives your whole team a 110% damage shield for emergencies.
    There's even a morph for stonefist and Inferno that turns them into heals.

    Overall it feels much more active to me than the other healing classes (though nightblade is pretty fun for healing, too), you're always doing more than just casting heals
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • amasuriel
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I've healed on every class, and while templar is certainly the easiest I have the most fun on my current dragon knight healer. You have a little less healing power, but provide a lot more utility and support to the group.

    Igneous shield gives a damage shield to my whole team and gives me 30% stronger heals for a few seconds.
    Molten weapons boosts team damage and frees up major sorcery/brutality ability slots for others.
    Talons can help keep enemies under control if the tank is having issues or the enemy comes after you or the dps.
    The magma shell ultimate gives your whole team a 110% damage shield for emergencies.
    There's even a morph for stonefist and Inferno that turns them into heals.

    Overall it feels much more active to me than the other healing classes (though nightblade is pretty fun for healing, too), you're always doing more than just casting heals

    I used to feel this way about healing, but then I started dipping my toes into vet trials and realized the goal is about spamming springs as little as possible while keeping the group topped up, throwing shards, orbs, drains etc as much as possible is the goal. Just keeping people alive as a templar healer is super boring, but it's isn't really (just) what a good healer is supposed to do.

    This isn't to say that some people won't find healing on other classes more fun, or that a DK doesn't add utility btw, just saying that templar doesn't have to be boring either if you shift the goalpost a bit.
  • Inig0
    Q.1 which class should i use temp or sorc?
    Q.2 is there specific gear i shuld use?
    Q.3 do i only use healing spells or do i use dps or aoe also?

    A.1 Templar for sure
    A.2 Yes. Atm a healer should have access to a few sets and be able to swap to them on a situational basis; but there is one set that is a must no matter what (Spell Power Cure from vwgt.) The sets that you will be swapping between: worm, Infall Aether, and Mending.
    A.3 you need healing springs for sustained heals, combat prayer for buff, BoL for burst heal, purifying ritual for self-buff/ HoT. All your other skills will be utility/ buffing/ debuffing skills.

    If youre gonna main a healer focus on that dont try to dps as well as heal. While you can do that it wont help you in the long run because being an awesome healer is much better than being an okay healer and an okay dps. Youll net more dps for your group buffing/ debuffing than off dpsing.(At least in most cases)

    Get into the habit of not over healing and focus on buff uptime. There is a time for healing spring spam or BoL spam and there are far too many healers that dont understand that.

    Optimize your build for high max mag and high mag regen.
    GM: Mechanically Challenged
    In game - @Inig0
    Sorc - Inigo- Beautiful Chocolate Man
    NB - Raphiki - Beautiful Chocolate Man
    Temp - Ineegø - ınıgo
    DK - Inigø - Alfeus - Down for Maintenance
    Warden - Help I Made a Warden
    PC NA
    Youtube Stuffs
    Only the best memes die twice
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