Is not that the music is terrible. Its just that is boring hearing the same again and again. So when playing this game I put it to 0% volume and don't listen to anything else. Sometimes, I listen to some music but for some minutes. Hope the new chapter bring back the whole Morrowind soundtrack.
Is not that the music is terrible. Its just that is boring hearing the same again and again. So when playing this game I put it to 0% volume and don't listen to anything else. Sometimes, I listen to some music but for some minutes. Hope the new chapter bring back the whole Morrowind soundtrack.
Does that apply to all games? Is there any game that you can think of where it really never gets boring?
I'm thinking maybe Quest 64 or a few Final Fantasy games
Is not that the music is terrible. Its just that is boring hearing the same again and again. So when playing this game I put it to 0% volume and don't listen to anything else. Sometimes, I listen to some music but for some minutes. Hope the new chapter bring back the whole Morrowind soundtrack.
Does that apply to all games? Is there any game that you can think of where it really never gets boring?
I'm thinking maybe Quest 64 or a few Final Fantasy games
Is not that the music is terrible. Its just that is boring hearing the same again and again. So when playing this game I put it to 0% volume and don't listen to anything else. Sometimes, I listen to some music but for some minutes. Hope the new chapter bring back the whole Morrowind soundtrack.
Does that apply to all games? Is there any game that you can think of where it really never gets boring?
I'm thinking maybe Quest 64 or a few Final Fantasy games
Oh yeah. Apart for boredom it can also because I just wanna play the game without headphones to rest my ears (and because prolonged use of headphones also gives me some headache and ear pain)
I voted "Perfect" but not for the rest of the statement in the poll.
ESO's music (and sound in general) is amazing
It is however often turned down in favor of hearing friends in voice comms, or sometimes playing other music