We did the normal AA raid with half the players below level 50 and low coordination, I was sure it would be hopeless but it worked, else its pretty funny to see all sort of leveled players around.
One related question as I understand the CP are shared among characters so if I have an level 20 I would want to get it to level 50 fast so I can start getting CP on it?
I discovered the alikr dolman farming groups yesterday on my main, and I'm wondering if I could take my lower level sorcerer there to level quickly
I discovered the alikr dolman farming groups yesterday on my main, and I'm wondering if I could take my lower level sorcerer there to level quickly
If you want to bore yourself to death, you can do this. While it would be a good way to spend a couple of hours in order to Level Fighters Guild, FG does nothing for a Sorcerer other than Banish the Wicked Passive. You will end up leveling a character and have no skill points to invest to do anything with them. Well, you will have 64, not enough to even make the Passives worthwhile. Again, do it for a little while if you want, but let me give you an alternative.
An example of what I did with my last two leveling characters.
1. I collected all the Skyshards in the zone. I avoided any and all quests other than those that show up in the delves that have skyshards.
2. I would farm the dolmens a few times to get set jewelry that helped my character
3. I would do the Public Dungeons including all the bosses
4. Then I would move to the next zone.
In 5 to 6 Zones, about 1 to 2 hours each, I would have 94 plus skill points, and almost all the Lore Books needed for Mages Guild which is better for your Sorcerer anyway. At this point you can make a pretty deadly character. Repeat for as many zones as you need to for the shards and lore books to finish leveling whatever skills you want to level.