The game has expanded since its vanilla state. Pretty sure its over 90gb now.
ESO checks if you have 80GB of hard drive space, if you do not... it won't let you download it as it thinks there isn't enough space. On macs, it requires 85 GB. The game doesn't actually take up that much, but the game requires it. drive space
Stovahkiin wrote: »The game has expanded since its vanilla state. Pretty sure its over 90gb now.
O_o I don't believe it's THAT big, a guildy of mine just checked the other day I believe and said it was in the 50's still. (I could check, but frankly I'm not curious enough to actually get out of bed right now...)
Well, folks, I did it. Managed to get it to 80.4GB of available space. Wow, that was a learning experience. If you ever want to learn about hard drives and cleaning computers and files, don't take classes, just buy a mac and use bootcamp. I feel like I accomplished something for sure lol. Thank you all for the information, the game is now downloading
Well, folks, I did it. Wow, that was a learning experience. If you ever want to learn about hard drives and cleaning computers and files, don't take classes, just buy a mac and use bootcamp. I feel like I accomplished something for sure lol. Thank you all for the information, the game is now downloading
Stovahkiin wrote: »Well, folks, I did it. Managed to get it to 80.4GB of available space. Wow, that was a learning experience. If you ever want to learn about hard drives and cleaning computers and files, don't take classes, just buy a mac and use bootcamp. I feel like I accomplished something for sure lol. Thank you all for the information, the game is now downloading
Well, folks, I did it. Wow, that was a learning experience. If you ever want to learn about hard drives and cleaning computers and files, don't take classes, just buy a mac and use bootcamp. I feel like I accomplished something for sure lol. Thank you all for the information, the game is now downloadingStovahkiin wrote: »Well, folks, I did it. Managed to get it to 80.4GB of available space. Wow, that was a learning experience. If you ever want to learn about hard drives and cleaning computers and files, don't take classes, just buy a mac and use bootcamp. I feel like I accomplished something for sure lol. Thank you all for the information, the game is now downloading
lmao love that guy, sorry for sounding so...I dunno, gloatey? Is that a word? Was just really excited because I've been suffering (yes, suffering, that bad) from an incredibly low amount of hard drive space on this system for months. Was nice to finally be motivated to get it figured out.