I'm cautiously optimistic. J.J. Abrams had alot of pressure on him with the Star Trek reboot and look how that turned out.
I'm cautiously optimistic. J.J. Abrams had alot of pressure on him with the Star Trek reboot and look how that turned out.
Fleshreaper wrote: »ZOS, I hope you know what you are doing. You are taking a huge risk with Morrowind. This is the proverbial make or break. This is your 5th symphony, your Mona Lisa, your Shelby Cobra, if you mess this up, people will never forget it. A lot of players love The Elders Scrolls because of Morrowind. I hope you are not taking the approach of it being just another expansion. Please! do Morrowind, justice.
I really disagree with the sentiment of "Morrowind is the most important RPG ever" that so much of this fanbase seems to harbour
it's really not that important (or good) of a game. The expansion will be a pleasant dose of fanservice, and should be treated as such
It's the only way to explain how anyone saw both Paul Blart movies...
Fleshreaper wrote: »ZOS, I hope you know what you are doing. You are taking a huge risk with Morrowind. This is the proverbial make or break. This is your 5th symphony, your Mona Lisa, your Shelby Cobra, if you mess this up, people will never forget it. A lot of players love The Elders Scrolls because of Morrowind. I hope you are not taking the approach of it being just another expansion. Please! do Morrowind, justice.
I'm cautiously optimistic. J.J. Abrams had alot of pressure on him with the Star Trek reboot and look how that turned out.
Fleshreaper wrote: »I really disagree with the sentiment of "Morrowind is the most important RPG ever" that so much of this fanbase seems to harbour
it's really not that important (or good) of a game. The expansion will be a pleasant dose of fanservice, and should be treated as such
I guess for the younger crowd that didn't play Morrowind when it first came out, it wasn't that great when you have other options. But yes, at it's time, it was. And that's the point, there are a lot of people that fell in love with The Elder Scrolls because of Morrowind.