Lag issues?

Soul Shriven
Ive Been Playing eso on PC before which was perfectly smooth. But got me a Xbox one and Been Playing BF1 bioshock and so on without getting any feeling of lag. But as soon I started eso it could stop having this annoying lag. A small lag overall. Not even playable in My taste.

Is this even something to fix? Do I need an extern harddrive for this game as for just Cause 3? Really want to continue Playing on xbox but feels pointless with a lag like this :/
  • ZOS_PeterT
    To resolve issues related to lag on the Xbox One, please try the following troubleshooting steps:

    Clear Your Mac Address

    1.On the Xbox One home screen, navigate to the left.
    2.Select the Settings options, then All Settings, Network, and finally Network Settings.
    3.From there, select Advanced Settings, Alternative Mac Address, then finally select Clear.

    Perform a Hard Reset1.Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of your console for 10 seconds.
    2.Once the machine has turned off, disconnect the power cord from the back of the Xbox One and wait two minutes.
    3.Plug the power back in and wait for the power bricks light to go from White to Orange.
    4.Once the power brick has the Orange light, turn the console on and try the game again.

    If the issue persists, you can find further troubleshooting steps on the Xbox support site here:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios

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    Staff Post
  • neville_bart0s
  • GawdSB
    I'm having these issues as well. The game is unplayable right now.
  • kingchris1721xbox
    I have similar lag issues as well. Most of mine are coming from the veteran maelstrom arena though. Enemies are still healing others even though they are dead and daedroths are using attacks on me during the final boss fight phase 2 where your on top of the ring and unreachable. Every time I kill an enemy my game skips really hard. Its not my internet I am at 250 mb download and nothing else lags....... Even cyrodil........
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