Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Simply put, nothing has me more aggravated with this game as this issue right here. Yes, I farmed VMA for a year to get my staff. It is what it is I guess, its high level gear gated behind difficult content as they cant be obtained via Normal MA. I wont go into that, as it's been beaten to death.
In terms of trial gear, this is a completely different animal and needs addressing ASAP. I raid 3-4 nights a week, and often we get multiple clears a night. Since VMOL came out, our core team has almost exclusively run this trial. We spent several months to where we could easily farm Veteran mode on normal difficulty, then spent some time pushing scores. We then decided to tackle hardmode, and again, we spent MONTHS running this every night. We would get to the last boss in about 25 minutes, wipe for 2.5 hours straight, then turn off hard mode and clear. We would clear, every time we would run. I would wager that in terms of number of veteran clears of VMOL, our group is in the top few percent.
There are basically 3 items that are highly sort after from this place from a DPS perspective, as they are best in slot for certain builds. A Moondancer Inferno in Sharp, a Moondancer Lightning staff in sharp, and Moondancer Swords in (surprise surprise) sharp. I am one of 2 or 3 people in my raid that was lucky enough to get one of these (sharp Inferno), but of course, I play sorc, so I need the sharp lightning, so it sits in my bank. I have never to my knowledge seen a sharp sword drop for anyone in our raid, nor have I seen a sharp Moondancer lighting drop for anyone in our raid (expect one from a coffer that is not tradeable).
This Friday marks the 2 week anniversary of our hardmode clear. Check the video in our signature if you want to hear the audible jubilation that came with that accomplishment.
What happened next? Once my hands stopped shaking, I looted the chest and got a freaking bow of lunar bastion for my accomplishment, and it wasnt the first one. I proceeded to get sauced and celebrate for the rest of the night, and tried to put the pitiful reward out of my mind.
What happened on Saturday? For the first time, I started to grind normal Normal MOL. The first run, I see my elusive staff drop for someone else, good for them I guess, but doesnt do anything for me.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert Is this what you want? Do you really want your end game raiders forced into a mind-numbing normal mode grind to go after the one or two weapons we need to stay competitive? I am a huge fanboy, but I am sorry. This is a ridiculous state of things. People that grind normal who would get eaten alive in vet have all the weapons they need. Meanwhile, your core endgame community cant get what they are after after months and months of running the same VETERAN content over and over.
We need smarter loot. A alkosh inferno staff or bow of lunar bastion simply should not exist, but our raid could probably equip the entire pact with this stuff.
Edit: Also, I watched poor @Miss_Morphine get 3, count them 3, sharp moondancer RESTO staffs in a row. I myself have 2 lovely sharp moondancer DAGGERS, which of course are no use to anyone. Love it!
Edit 2: At the risk of sounding like an elitist jerk, how about you give anyone with a Dro-m'Athra Destroyer title the choice of one item from the loot table. I dare anyone to say with a straight face that people that put in that kinda work dont deserve it. Or we could go back to grinding normal...
Miss_Morphine wrote: »...3-5 runs a week, completing all the achievements I have to go turn around and start farming normal for weapons because I still don't have a sharpened Moondancer lightning staff or sharpened swords.
If I just had really bad luck I get it but I'm far from the only person in this position on the team that I am part of.
It's insane, the RNG seriously needs to change. The system is clearly broken. I mean I must have gotten over 300 vMA weapons by now and still no sharpened inferno.
I'm up for a token system, smart RNG that remembers items you've already gotten - anything that could make this better. There are already plenty of wonderful suggestions on the forums.
If the RNG isn't going to change make more viable weapon traits. Buff precise and nirnhoned to produce slightly smaller numbers than sharpened but ones that are still comparable. When someone in all divides with precise will lose to someone in all prosperous with sharpened it's just not balanced. Something has got to give.
PS @Oreyn_Bearclaw I took your notion of making a thread about this.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Miss_Morphine wrote: »...3-5 runs a week, completing all the achievements I have to go turn around and start farming normal for weapons because I still don't have a sharpened Moondancer lightning staff or sharpened swords.
If I just had really bad luck I get it but I'm far from the only person in this position on the team that I am part of.
It's insane, the RNG seriously needs to change. The system is clearly broken. I mean I must have gotten over 300 vMA weapons by now and still no sharpened inferno.
I'm up for a token system, smart RNG that remembers items you've already gotten - anything that could make this better. There are already plenty of wonderful suggestions on the forums.
If the RNG isn't going to change make more viable weapon traits. Buff precise and nirnhoned to produce slightly smaller numbers than sharpened but ones that are still comparable. When someone in all divides with precise will lose to someone in all prosperous with sharpened it's just not balanced. Something has got to give.
PS @Oreyn_Bearclaw I took your notion of making a thread about this.
Edit: Also, I watched poor @Miss_Morphine get 3, count them 3, sharp moondancer RESTO staffs in a row. I myself have 2 lovely sharp moondancer DAGGERS, which of course are no use to anyone. Love it!
redspecter23 wrote: »ZOS, wake up. The weapon grind is pure insanity. Rebalance traits, token system, make more items bind on equip, something. There are a combination of issues leading to what is described here and it's not a good situation. Grinds should not be measured in years.
KingYogi415 wrote: »Token system = crap.
Smart loot needed.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
<-- more of a casual player so I pretty much make do with crafted sets, and... that brings me to my suggestion (as I totally do get the frustration)
just like you can currently change the enchantment on the gear... allow for crafting an item that can do the same to traits. essentially allow people to apply traits to items not just while crafting an item, but also to already existing items. details of how can be ironed out (whether it should be expensive to craft, or maybe it should be type of items specific so that researching traits for every single piece of gear is still viable) but... I think just ability to customize traits on trial and dungeon dropped sets would alleviate a lot of rng issues. IMO
Oakmontowls_ESO wrote: »<-- more of a casual player so I pretty much make do with crafted sets, and... that brings me to my suggestion (as I totally do get the frustration)
just like you can currently change the enchantment on the gear... allow for crafting an item that can do the same to traits. essentially allow people to apply traits to items not just while crafting an item, but also to already existing items. details of how can be ironed out (whether it should be expensive to craft, or maybe it should be type of items specific so that researching traits for every single piece of gear is still viable) but... I think just ability to customize traits on trial and dungeon dropped sets would alleviate a lot of rng issues. IMO
Don't get me wrong I'd love a system like that. However, that kind of system would not be good for the game. The lure of getting bis items is a part of why people continue to run end game content like trials. If you are able to get your bis items in a couple runs, there will be no incentive to continue running the content.
SleepyTroll wrote: »You farmed for months and didn't get what you wanted, ZOS got what they wanted. The system wont change if people keep doing what you are doing.
Miss_Morphine wrote: »...3-5 runs a week, completing all the achievements I have to go turn around and start farming normal for weapons because I still don't have a sharpened Moondancer lightning staff or sharpened swords.
If I just had really bad luck I get it but I'm far from the only person in this position on the team that I am part of.
It's insane, the RNG seriously needs to change. The system is clearly broken. I mean I must have gotten over 300 vMA weapons by now and still no sharpened inferno.
I'm up for a token system, smart RNG that remembers items you've already gotten - anything that could make this better. There are already plenty of wonderful suggestions on the forums.
If the RNG isn't going to change make more viable weapon traits. Buff precise and nirnhoned to produce slightly smaller numbers than sharpened but ones that are still comparable. When someone in all divides with precise will lose to someone in all prosperous with sharpened it's just not balanced. Something has got to give.
As I originally discussed this with @Oreyn_Bearclaw here's his take :Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Simply put, nothing has me more aggravated with this game as this issue right here. Yes, I farmed VMA for a year to get my staff. It is what it is I guess, its high level gear gated behind difficult content as they cant be obtained via Normal MA. I wont go into that, as it's been beaten to death.
In terms of trial gear, this is a completely different animal and needs addressing ASAP. I raid 3-4 nights a week, and often we get multiple clears a night. Since VMOL came out, our core team has almost exclusively run this trial. We spent several months to where we could easily farm Veteran mode on normal difficulty, then spent some time pushing scores. We then decided to tackle hardmode, and again, we spent MONTHS running this every night. We would get to the last boss in about 25 minutes, wipe for 2.5 hours straight, then turn off hard mode and clear. We would clear, every time we would run. I would wager that in terms of number of veteran clears of VMOL, our group is in the top few percent.
There are basically 3 items that are highly sort after from this place from a DPS perspective, as they are best in slot for certain builds. A Moondancer Inferno in Sharp, a Moondancer Lightning staff in sharp, and Moondancer Swords in (surprise surprise) sharp. I am one of 2 or 3 people in my raid that was lucky enough to get one of these (sharp Inferno), but of course, I play sorc, so I need the sharp lightning, so it sits in my bank. I have never to my knowledge seen a sharp sword drop for anyone in our raid, nor have I seen a sharp Moondancer lighting drop for anyone in our raid (expect one from a coffer that is not tradeable).
This Friday marks the 2 week anniversary of our hardmode clear. Check the video in our signature if you want to hear the audible jubilation that came with that accomplishment.
What happened next? Once my hands stopped shaking, I looted the chest and got a freaking bow of lunar bastion for my accomplishment, and it wasnt the first one. I proceeded to get sauced and celebrate for the rest of the night, and tried to put the pitiful reward out of my mind.
What happened on Saturday? For the first time, I started to grind normal Normal MOL. The first run, I see my elusive staff drop for someone else, good for them I guess, but doesnt do anything for me.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert Is this what you want? Do you really want your end game raiders forced into a mind-numbing normal mode grind to go after the one or two weapons we need to stay competitive? I am a huge fanboy, but I am sorry. This is a ridiculous state of things. People that grind normal who would get eaten alive in vet have all the weapons they need. Meanwhile, your core endgame community cant get what they are after after months and months of running the same VETERAN content over and over.
We need smarter loot. A alkosh inferno staff or bow of lunar bastion simply should not exist, but our raid could probably equip the entire pact with this stuff.
Edit: Also, I watched poor @Miss_Morphine get 3, count them 3, sharp moondancer RESTO staffs in a row. I myself have 2 lovely sharp moondancer DAGGERS, which of course are no use to anyone. Love it!
Edit 2: At the risk of sounding like an elitist jerk, how about you give anyone with a Dro-m'Athra Destroyer title the choice of one item from the loot table. I dare anyone to say with a straight face that people that put in that kinda work dont deserve it. Or we could go back to grinding normal...
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »What if someone received a sharpened dagger and wants another, now they have to receive every weapon in every possible trait to have a chance at a second sharpened dagger with the system you want.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »@Miss_Morphine
Wow, cleared vMoL HM without the weapon you desire and not want the game to remember all the loot you have received and not duplicate any of it.
What if someone received a sharpened dagger and wants another, now they have to receive every weapon in every possible trait to have a chance at a second sharpened dagger with the system you want.
Besides it being obviously to much of a burden on Zos' part and other complications, No.
I do agree the chance at getting a weapon is so much lower than anything else and that should be adjusted, but nothing like the idea you present.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »What if someone received a sharpened dagger and wants another, now they have to receive every weapon in every possible trait to have a chance at a second sharpened dagger with the system you want.
easy solution, just do it like the upcoming vmsa change, one-handed weapons always drop in pairs
DRXHarbinger wrote: »All this talk of smart systems....bla bla bla.
Just limit the traits and revise the drops. There is no need for lunar bastion restos or Moondancer bows. Just remove them. All end game drops should be somewhat worthwhile...period. not all weapons need to drop in sharpened. But like the old vma drops. Sharp / precise and defending. Even decisive has its uses so lump that in too.
Or just go full mongrel and add in training and prosperous. Either way.