How to make gold...

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Hi all.. I'm still fairly fresh to the game. The past few months I've just spent leveling my toon/questing.

I now want to start making gold because I'm on the broke side. What are my best options? I've been killing and stealing for quick $ but I'd like to make more so that I can start preparing for better armor and whatnot.

  • Nestor
    Probably the easiest way to make gold is Legerdemain. Steal items and Fence them at the Thieves Refuge. Steal things like Provisioning Ingredients and Launder those to help raise the skill line. Orsinium is a great city to steal in.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • raidentenshu_ESO
    If you're running the pc version of the game I would download and install an addon called master merchant.

    Then join a few trading guilds and then start selling items that are in your inventory.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Nestor wrote: »
    Orsinium is a great city to steal in.
    @Nestor , you're the reason the Orcs won't let us have anything nice ;)

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • SaRuZ
    Power level your Provisioning & Alchemy skills, Farm, farm, farm. Farm like a robot! Farm so much you get mad because there's no ore in dungeons. I usually farm 3 to 4 stacks of Ore, Silk & Wood in a few hours. I farm a stack of Hyacinth & Nirnroot in a few days and I can farm stacks of Lorkhan's in half an hour.

    Last week I had 123,000 gold. This morning I finally broke a mil. Hey, housing am I right? Gotta get that Mansion ;)
    Edited by SaRuZ on February 1, 2017 6:30PM
  • SameMeteor26
    SaRuZ wrote: »
    Power level your Provisioning & Alchemy skills, Farm, farm, farm. Farm like a robot! Farm so much you get mad because there's no ore in dungeons. I usually farm 3 to 4 stacks of Ore, Silk & Wood in a few hours. I farm a stack of Hyacinth & Nirnroot in a few days and I can farm stacks of Lorkhan's in half an hour.

    Last week I had 123,000 gold. This morning I finally broke a mil. Hey, housing am I right? Gotta get that Mansion ;)

    Where do you farm, if you don't mind?
  • widowmakerx
    Wanna really make some gold ? Msg widowmaker3502 on xbox1 na for a premium trade guild invite .....m we love our traders
  • Miss_Morphine
    Do your crafting writs every day. You can get certified in the city you started the game in. You can pick them up in any major city. You have a chance to get gold level materials which go for 4-9k each. Get the add on Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter to make doing your writs even easier.
    Do the daily undaunted/makes guild/fighters guild quests(get them in Mournhold Wayrest or the Great Tree) or join a group for Craglorn dailies. You have a chance of getting pretty good motifs from either.
    Farm and refine materials and sell the materials and the tempers.
    Get master merchant and join a trading guild.
    Fear is Failure NA PC
    Main - mSC - Somatic Fury EP
    mNB - A Sussurrus EP mTP - Wicked Light DC mDK - Flagellant AD
    sNB - Wicked Haze EP sDK - Do'Ashara EP
    TP healer - The Morphine EP
    DK tank - Unyielding Fury EP

    vMA Flawless - vMoL HM - vHRC HM - vAA HM - vSO HM - vDSA
  • phairdon
    Join a trading guild. Hopefully one that can maintain their trader. Collect all loot from quests, delves, dolmens, enemy npc's & monsters, sell the stuff to merchants. You'd be surprised how quickly gold can build up. As said above, stealing and selling to a fence can make a lot of money too.
    Edited by phairdon on February 1, 2017 6:40PM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • SaRuZ

    Where do you farm, if you don't mind?

    Craglorn yields a chance of Potent & Fortified Nirncrux in any node, It's a good bet. I also farm the starter islands, fast and easy & the north eastern part of Rivenspire is fluid as well.

    Never pass up a deal. If you can buy something for 20k and sell it for 40k, do it. Know the prices. I have my own methods of selling fast but I can't tell :p

    Also, get yourself a trader or five in prime locations. Mournhold, Rawl'kha, Craglorn on Xbox. Also it is normal to pay fees. I've paid as low as 3k for trader guilds all the way up to 10k per week. The higher the dues usually mean the better the spot.
    Edited by SaRuZ on February 1, 2017 6:44PM
  • stevenbennett_ESO
    Yeah, what @Nestor said about stealing is great for low levels, although if you have the Dark Brotherhood DLC, I find you can make more, faster, by finding a place with a lot of spread out NPCs and no guards and assassinate them instead. (Less chance to get caught, too...)

    At mid level, joining that training guild (or better yet, several) and selling things is better. The MasterMerchant Add-on will be your friend here. You can get a lot of good stuff to sell by farming public dungeons and world bosses, in particular. Collecting and selling crafting materials rounds out the best ways to make gold.

    At high level, I find actually playing the game (doing quests, running dungeons, etc...) will produce a fairly decent amount of gold and sellable items, and is much more fun than farming things.
  • Nestor
    I knew I had typed something out, forgot to save it. I found it so here it is

    1. Just do a Zone, selling all the loot you get to NPCs will net you 25K to 35K per zone after repairs after doing the content. See Number 6 for some drops.
    2. Farm a Public Dungeon, some are better than others but I can net 5K gold in 30 minutes just from NPC Drops in some of them, not counting what loot I get to sell or vendor. Some are much lower in the gold per Mob Group, so pay attention.
    3. Legerdemain, filling your bags with White, Green and Blue Loot will net you 5K to 15K or more, each day, on each character.
    4. Farm and sell in guild stores Alchemy Reagents and Mats. Some flowers sell for 100 to 300 Gold, each.
    5. Do low level crafting writs on high level characters, you get max gold and top tier material surveys if you do the surveys on a skilled character.
    6. Farm Zones for desired gear in the Impenetrable, Divines, Infused (Large Pieces), Sharpened, Precise and Training traits. Farm Dolmens for Purple Jewelry for those sets. Decon, research or vendor the off trait and green/blue jewelry.

    Those are just a few ways to make gold
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • johu31
    Join trading guild
    Pay them 5-10k a week for access
    Make 200k a week minimum profit.
  • method__01
    loot everything,steal everyone,sell and repeat,wrothgar(wildness) and gold coast (city areas) are full of resources
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    Yeah, what @Nestor said about stealing is great for low levels, although if you have the Dark Brotherhood DLC, I find you can make more, faster, by finding a place with a lot of spread out NPCs and no guards and assassinate them instead.

    I recommend pickpocketing them first (sometime 3 times) especially after you've raised your Ledgermain a bit...then assassinate them (for a chance at blood)
  • kathandira
    Personally, i sell all my jewelry, poisons, potions, and trash items.

    That has been my main source of income, and haven't really run into any problems.

    Also the key to making money, become self reliant. Do not spend money at guild traders. Make the stuff yourself, or get a friend who is willing to help you out.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • davey1107
    I personally recommend joining a trade guild then Farming and selling valuable items. Tips:

    - you want a trade guild that maintains a trader in a desirable location. On PS4 right now, that means mournhold, wayrest or rawlkha.
    - Trade guilds that do this charge weekly dues of $5 to $10k. Many allow payment in unrefined ore as a substitute. Don't worry, the desirable location is worth it and we'll earn you more than this.

    Here's my current list of easily obtained, valuable items to sell. There are others, of course, but this is a good start. These are PS4 na prices...check a big guild in a busy city to confirm these beforemyou grind them too much. It's a long list, but it'll give you lots of options.
    Current profitable items to farm and sell

    Abah's Watch motifs - 25-50k - Hews Bane repeatables. In the guild there's a board by Kerri that gives repeatable stealing quests. I like to abandon pickpocketing and pick up new quests until I get crime spree or countess. About 1 in 6 will offer a motif, but you'll also earn money through the quest turn in and loot. Each also gives a $500 bounty pardon, so you can collect to avoid heat during these or other guild quests.

    Thieves Guild motifs - 15-30k - hews bane dailies. After the second quest in the main storyline, Velsa gives you a small quest to open heists. These are dailies. A perfect gives a 30-40% chance of a motif, but they're hard. Nightblades works best, then once you master they're cake. This also levels thieves guild skill line.

    Draugr motifs - 50-80k - fighters / mage guild dailies. The quests spawn in capital city guild halls, but must be turned in at the ones in your faction. The fight guild is always to close three dolmens in a specific zone. The mages send you to a public dungeon to raid a special chest. The drop rate is LOW, probably 15%. But the dolmen quests are great for toons who need to level, or increase their fight guild, or earn potentially profitable jewelry to sell.

    Minotaur / Order Hour motifs - 30-70k - Gold Coast dailies. On a board in Kvatch you can pick up the world boss dailies. They're fast, high xp, and pretty fun. Motif drop rates are maybe 20%.

    Malacath / Trinimac motifs - 15-20k - wrothgar world boss dailies and delve dailies. WB picks up south of Shatul wayshrine at the inn. Delve dailies at the morkul stronghold. Motif rate is maybe 30%. You also have a shot at briarheart purple robust jewelry or a weapon, which are worth tons but the drop rate is tiiiiiiiiiiny.

    Dark Bro motif - 15-25k - Sanctuary dailies. After the second quest in the dark bro main story, dailies open up. These will also level your dark bro skill line. Like thieves guild dailies, a motif reward requires a perfect completion and these are much easier with nightblades. However, these are five times as easy to get perfect on than the thieves guild dailies.

    Rare style mats - 1-10k. Find where these drop and farm them. Some are annoying to farm, others aren't bad. Spendy mats include black beeswax, laurels, rogues soot, pristine shrouds, tainted blood, star sapphires, polish shilling, auric tusks, oxblood fungus, cassiterite.

    Writ rewards

    Daily crafting writs are fast and reward $600 gold plus mats. In update 13, top level writs will reward homestead stuff that will likely be astronomically valuable at first. They also reward intricate junk armor, which is one of the easiest ways to level your toons to 50 in their craft skills. Players who want to earn gold and plan on playing the game for a while often create alts to slowly level their craft skills, then complete writs with them.

    You might want to save your gold mats from writs...but you can also sell them for a tidy profit. See below.


    Hirelings give you daily mats via email when you log in. Very rarely they'll give you a gold mat (if you max skill points in the passive). But their real value is in the ore. If you log daily, at approx. 5 raw mats per day you'll collect a stack of 200 every 40 days. That's worth ~2 gold tempers. And obviously you can do multi skill lines - wood, smith, cloth. Provisioning hirelings bring frost Miriam, which is valuable. And enchanters bring kutas, which are valuable.

    Current gold mat prices:

    Alloy: $14k
    Wax: $9k
    Rosin: $8k
    Kuta: $7k, but recommend crafting into c160 armor glyph for $15k
    Frost Miriam: $1k/ea, but recommend buying c150 recipe and crafting food to sell at $2500/4 foods.
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