From a thread I made before
Current restrictions punishes those who wish to min/max their character and instead of wearing stylish gear that you have learned via playing the game from motifs, you now have the head of some oversized boss monster that does not match with the rest of their gear.
Can we have more customizations over our characters appearance and implement some wardrobe system to change the appearance of some items to others. This in effect can aid crafters who have learned many motif styles to change an ugly armor piece into a better looking one. you can fix the problem by wearing a costume over the horrid armor but that forces you to mostly spend crowns to get a decent costume and even if you do get said costume, you are funneled into looking like every other person who is wearing the costume. any discussions on implementing a system like this to the game?
The collectors edition for the next expansion will include the option to convert a style into morag tong at will... but that is so limited. I have an appearance in mind for my character as a battle mage and like the appearances of both heavy, light, and medium armor types and min maxing prevents me from doing that. hybrids are not a thing and you can wear a costume that has Bretons heavy armor appearance so if a wardrobe system would be implemented I would still be unsatisfied if it was limited to only the items armor weight. please implement a wardrobe system that lets me modify a item to any weight type I like, along with the tier of armor, as lower leveled gear's appearance gets wasted on being unable to be used at a high level.