Me and my house mate have been playing for about 3 months now - pretty clued up in what we are doing, farming, dungeons, pvp... but we could do with a few more people who would be up with teaming from time to time (pretty often).
I am champion level 260 and my house mate is few less.. I have a max level dk tank (needs better equipment), a max level templar healer and a max level nightblade dps.
Housemate has a max level templer healer and a max level dps sorcerer.
We both are quite focused on farming the best gear for our builds and farming materials and are partial to abit of pvp.
We just need people who can join us in game, not bothered by guilds.. too big and messy to deal with - tho if we get enough we could run a small private guild.
We are Happy to teach new people and help them in anyway we can. Just need easy going guys/gals who play quite often and are happy to help each other. We both use headsets to chat, so would be good if you use a mic too.
We work 8-5 but are on most evenings 6-10 and most of the weekend if we don't have other plans.
Feel free to add me on PSN: Kuul706 and send me a message.