Hello, I've been wanting to subscribe for a while now, but the only reason I want to is for the ability to be able to dye your costume and hat. I don't really see anything else you offer for ESO Plus members appealing. I guess the craft bag is kind of okay for some inventory space, but that's about it. It honestly doesn't make me want to say "Okay, I'll be happy to give $15 a month for this". There's nothing really USEFUL for ESO Plus members. I mean sure, you're giving 1,500 Crowns every month, but I may as well just be buying 1,500 crowns for $15 when I feel like I need them.
Could we perhaps get some new and better features? I'm not asking for anything absurd, or anything that would make this game pay to win in any shape or form. At least some extra features that people could find really useful. Some ideas for ESO Plus members:
Extra materials from Hirelings.
Access to ESO Plus Members Only mounts.
Ability to use Wayshrine from your map without fee's.
Small % bonus to merchant sales.
Monthly Gems for Crown Crates
Slightly more Monthly Crowns, to outweigh the premium we pay of $15 a month which feels like it's just for the crowns instead of being an ESO Plus member.
5-10% Cheaper repairs from merchants.
Weekly rewards (Materials, Random Motifs and chapters, experience scrolls.. etc)