Official Discussion Thread for "The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Pre-Order FAQ"

  • Enodoc
    @satira1692ub17_ESO ESO: Morrowind does not include any of the DLC.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • norpor
    Hmmm... i pay real money for crowns, its not a gift, or its dont grow on a tree... Why cant pay with crown for expansion. i dont want to buy useless stuffs from crown store, i want dlcs , expansions, or useful stuffs. How can i spending my crown , if cant buy the expansion???
    Can i re-exchange crown to money, then i can buy morrowind from that money :sunglasses:
  • Quickey
    I own a physical copy of the gold edition and i'm not able to buy the collectors edition upgrade on the psstore eu
    I get an error message saying that I don't own eso
  • silky_soft
    @ZOS_GinaBruno is the battleground only with morrowind or base patch update?
    I have no will left to help with lag until high action per minute devs play via a vpn from Asia or Oceania to NA and live stream thier experience of thier actions being declined by the server because they are out of frame.
  • Annalyse

    So if there is an expansion Mid Year does that mean no quarterly DLC for April? Homestead won't keep me fully engaged for 5 months plus just had a 5 month period of no new content. Events only last about a week so for someone that has been playing since Beta I would really love something new to do till June.

    Although Mass Effect is out March so probably not a bad idea to have nothing but a event around the birthday!

    Yeah, this rather bothers me too. They have made Homestead completely unappealing and it won't keep me occupied at all. I was saving up crowns and looking forward to a DLC this summer, and unfortunately I probably won't be able to afford the cost of the expansion for a long time since I just had to use my savings for some emergency dental work.

    Oh well. May have to find something else to play on occasion to keep the boredom at bay. I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes the new way to deliver content and crown store DLCs stop altogether.
  • mistermacintosh
    ahrolkah wrote: »
    Since morrowind is introducing a new class, i think the crown store should have class change tokens. I don't really care if it resets all my class skills and i have to re-level them, or if they're 5000 crowns. I have a character who's PERFECT for the warden class, and I'd buy class change tokens if they were introduced. Just refund the skillpoints... please let me keep those.

    Yep, gonna need class-change tokens. 12 character slots are more than enough - just let us change classes already.

    And since we're getting past the whole alliance war base game (finally), it would also be nice to have alliance-change tokens (or some way to do that in game). Conscripting characters into one alliance or another from the start doesn't really make sense anymore - maybe just do away with that all together and replace it with a quest to choose your alliance.

    I hope the new class works out in end-game, and that the other classes have received some attention (and sub-classes like stamplar). It would be swell if some sort of balance was achieved between the classes.

    Will there be homes in Morrowind? If I can get a Telvanni mushroom mansion, I'm saving my gold/crowns for that.
    Legalize Nirnroot!

    Mac User, NA Server (CP810+, PVE focused):
    Magicka Templar Ra the Everlasting (Level 50 - Main Character)
    Stamina Sorcerer Khazaka-ri (Level 50 - Crafter)
    Dragonknight Tank Skalda Flamewreath (Level 50)
    Pet Sorcerer Hellias Ocume (Level 50)
    Magicka Necromancer Socelon (Level 4)

    Templar Healer Mends-Through-Panic (Level 50)
    Stamina Nightblade Adanna-daro (Level 50)
    Stamina Warden Marely Sprigs (Level 50)
    Stamina Dragonknight Ursula Trollcalmer (Level 50)
    Stamina Necromancer Daengeval (Level 4)

    Stamina Templar Cornellus Graves (Level 50)
    Warden Healer Pays-For-Luxury (Level 50)
    Magicka Sorcerer Sophia Flash (Level 50)
    Magicka Dragonknight Cinvalo Aloavel (Level 50)
    Magicka Nightblade Esmerelda the Cruel (Level 50)
  • Quickey
    dethbl00ms wrote: »

    Will there be homes in Morrowind? If I can get a Telvanni mushroom mansion, I'm saving my gold/crowns for that.

    I think they said in the livestream that there will be homes available in Morrowind
  • method__01
    nikigwil wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno PlayStation question, we have disc copy of eso but the only retailer in UK is selling full game and not upgrade discs, the PlayStation store wont allow us to order the digital upgrade as it states we dont own the base game already as no digital version. Any advice on what we can do or do we have to pay full price to purchase base game and morrowind as no upgrade disc available.

    have the same problem,please inform us,i only care about digital expansion download,post office takes forever to deliver
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • Quickey
    method__01 wrote: »

    have the same problem,please inform us,i only care about digital expansion download,post office takes forever to deliver

    Physical gold edition owner, want to buy the digital collectors upgrade on the psstore EU.
    Only thing I can pre-order are the standard edition and collectors edition but no upgrades are available
    They are mentioned in the store but they're not available for purchase, it says I don't own Tamriel Unlimited

    psstore NA can pre-order the upgrade without problems so the EU should be able to do the same

    I want this fixed asap
  • nikigwil
    Its a PlayStation issue not Zos. Im currently talking to PlayStation staff who said i have to delete and reinstall. Im gunna do this and let you know if it works. I doubt it will tbh.
  • Curragraigue
    I have the digital version of the game on PS4 SCEE and I have no options for an upgrade and the two digital versions (non upgrade) say they are not available.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Sashlyr
    Soul Shriven
    What material is the 12" colossus made from? Is it brass? Aluminium? Plastic?
    Really want to know this! :smiley:

  • Quickey
    nikigwil wrote: »
    Its a PlayStation issue not Zos. Im currently talking to PlayStation staff who said i have to delete and reinstall. Im gunna do this and let you know if it works. I doubt it will tbh.

    I just checked the psstore again and I can now buy the upgrade for 60€, looks like it's fixed
    Edited by Quickey on February 2, 2017 3:20PM
  • method__01
    just pre ordered the add from EU playstore with no probs,must now decide witch version for pc :smiley:
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • SpiritedBlaize
    How will this work for shared gamers on separate consoles in the same house?

    My husband purchased ps4 and the game. Originally I played a character on his account. We decided to get a second ps4 for me. I can play ESO without having to purchase a second ESO. I did have to go in and buy my own 'Imperial Edition' for any race any alliance from the crown store. He was a ESO plus member. Initially I purchased Imperial City and Orsinium from the crown store before getting my own ESO plus subscription.

    When the chapter is released that He installs on the base ESO game will I have access to it as well? If not how will this be accomplished? I'm not against purchasing a second copy of the expansion er chapter. I just need to know how its done since its not available in the crown store.

  • ItsGlaive
    Sashlyr wrote: »
    What material is the 12" colossus made from? Is it brass? Aluminium? Plastic?
    Really want to know this! :smiley:


    My guess would be plastic or "polyresin" as marketing departments like to call it now - much like the Molag Bal statue that came with the Physical Imperial Edition. Hopefully significantly better quality though.
    Allow cross-platform transfers and merges
  • DClatt
    Any idea when or how we get our preorder codes for physical collectors edition? When I pre-ordered the collectors of ESO originally came with a code in the receipt that I could put in early. But I ordered this from amazon so I'm wondering how this will work?
  • Curragraigue
    For anyone having trouble finding the upgrade on PS4 it was not coming up using the search for me only the full game versions were. I had to go games then preorders and manually search through that list to find it.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • nikigwil
    Go to the dlc section on ps store and look under all dlca and it shows there :)
  • The_Doctor_ESO
    You're doing it all wrong...

    We already have so many alternative truths to deal with in 2017..Have some mercy on us poor rubes, I mean if we're going to split hairs over the difference between DLC, Future Content, Expansion and Totally New Thing That Happens To Be Exactly The Same, Oh look a Bear... Now I've been distracted, quick pivot!

    Thank you for building new stuff, but I dare say you are playing fast and loose with our understanding and it angers me.

  • TankinatorFR
    Assuming I already have a steam account for TESO, can I buy the physical collector edition and apply the included Morrowind code to my steam version of the game ?
  • Santiak
    Soul Shriven
    Santiak wrote: »
    A quick note and a couple of questions:
    1. If the above quote is indeed the case, then you might want to reiterate and clarify this on your FAQ-page, as it could easily be interpreted to mean that players will get the Discovery content immediately:
    The Discovery Pack contains the following in-game items, which you'll automatically receive when pre-ordering any edition of Morrowind:
    2. Just in case the intial quote referred to the Collector's Edition Digital content (and not Discovery), and to clarify further: When exactly do players gain access to the respective digital content? (Dicovery and CE Digital - one on pre-order placement, the other on release. Both on release. Both on pre-order?)

    3. Say I pre-order the physical CE.
    Will I be able to bind the keys of its Morrowind edition (and the digital content packages), to ESO on my Steam account? Or would doing so require me to purchase exclusively through Steam?

    4. Will ESO:Morrowind
    be treated as a standalone on Steam? (seperate entry in library)

    5. Will retailers be given Discovery Pack keys
    to send to buyers of the physical edition(s) when they buy them, will this be moot given the initial quote, or will they be unavailable until the box is in the customers hands?

    6. Say my order is delayed on launch-day; will buying the "Morrowind Upgrade" package prevent me from applying the CE key for the extra digital goodies? Would I have to request a refund of the former before activating the latter, or would the CE simply count for just the items at that point?

    7. Can the base ESO game contained within the physical package be activated on Steam, or will this still necessitate buying either the UT or Gold editions directly via Steam?

    So, in lieu of official replies here, I went ahead and poked Support regarding the questions listed above, and thought I might as well answer the questions here as well now that I've got a reply:

    #1, 2, and 5 above (Discovery Pack availability):
    All digital content will not be available before launch, this includes Discovery Pack and CE Digital content.

    #3, 4, and 7 above (Steam Integration):

    Physical editions can be unlocked through either Steam or the Account page.
    This also applies to the base-game in the CE
    In other words, if you don't have the game unlocked on Steam currently, you should (from what I understand) be able to unlock it on Steam using the base-ESO key found in the Physical Morrowind CE, and you should likewise also be able to unlock Morrowind on Steam using the key from the physical edition.

    #6 above (or "I'm impatient, will upgrading to base-Morrowind if my physical edition is late prevent me from adding the CE content later?"):
    They couldn't confirm whether it'd be possible to upgrade from "base" Morrowind to CE Morrowind.
    (Note: From experience, it should be possible to refund the previous edition and then activate the CE after, as that exact scenario occured in my case, back during the original games launch with the Imperial Edition)
    Update: As it's only possible to have one instance of Morrowind unlocked on our accounts at a time, one can not upgrade from a more basic Morrowind version to a higher grade one (i.e. from base to CE).
    Edited by Santiak on February 4, 2017 12:05AM
  • GothamHunter
    Santiak wrote: »


    Thank you for your help in getting some of these questions answered. While I don't doubt the validity of your responses, it would still be great to get official ZOS word on these issues/questions as support staff may not always have the [correct] answer and just answer to the best of their ability.

    Thank you again for your hard work for the community!
  • sumisu1
    I am not seeing a collectors edition in any of the stores I buy games from, it's only the morrowind disc with discovery pack available to preorder.
  • DemiDemon

    its not in the store at the moment i think you meant to put, because no doubt once sales slow it will be available for crowns.

    Actually it's not in the crown store is what I was referring to. He asked about ESO Plus being able to work for the expansion, it's not going to be in the crown stores at all.
    PC/Xbox One - NA
  • ALaiham
    Soul Shriven
    On Steam , Do I have to Link the game (morrowind) to my zenimax Account ? or it will be linked automatically since the main game is ? thx.
  • KittyMauge
    Hello, I'm back, after many years, and this Expansion has got my attention and revived the flames of passion for this wonderful game.

    But because english is not my first language, I'm going to need some help and clarification from you guys, an official answer would be great.

    My problem here is that in this link here it reads:

    "The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind also includes all the original ESO content, so new players will have access to hundreds of hours of excitement throughout Tamriel."

    Does this means that this Morrowind Expansion includes ALL the previous DLCs and the base game????

    Thanks in advance!!
  • Elsonso
    KittyMauge wrote: »
    Hello, I'm back, after many years, and this Expansion has got my attention and revived the flames of passion for this wonderful game.

    But because english is not my first language, I'm going to need some help and clarification from you guys, an official answer would be great.

    My problem here is that in this link here it reads:

    "The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind also includes all the original ESO content, so new players will have access to hundreds of hours of excitement throughout Tamriel."

    Does this means that this Morrowind Expansion includes ALL the previous DLCs and the base game????

    Thanks in advance!!

    No. We assume that it does not include the DLC, only the base game content. That is the "original ESO content".
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    KittyMauge wrote: »
    Hello, I'm back, after many years, and this Expansion has got my attention and revived the flames of passion for this wonderful game.

    But because english is not my first language, I'm going to need some help and clarification from you guys, an official answer would be great.

    My problem here is that in this link here it reads:

    "The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind also includes all the original ESO content, so new players will have access to hundreds of hours of excitement throughout Tamriel."

    Does this means that this Morrowind Expansion includes ALL the previous DLCs and the base game????

    Thanks in advance!!

    No, it just includes the original base game. DLC game packs will need to be acquired separately through the Crown Store.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • santialonso

    In what store can I preorder the Collector's Edition in Spain? I don't find anywhere for it.
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