James-Wayne wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno
So if there is an expansion Mid Year does that mean no quarterly DLC for April? Homestead won't keep me fully engaged for 5 months plus just had a 5 month period of no new content. Events only last about a week so for someone that has been playing since Beta I would really love something new to do till June.
Although Mass Effect is out March so probably not a bad idea to have nothing but a event around the birthday!
Since morrowind is introducing a new class, i think the crown store should have class change tokens. I don't really care if it resets all my class skills and i have to re-level them, or if they're 5000 crowns. I have a character who's PERFECT for the warden class, and I'd buy class change tokens if they were introduced. Just refund the skillpoints... please let me keep those.
dethbl00ms wrote: »
Will there be homes in Morrowind? If I can get a Telvanni mushroom mansion, I'm saving my gold/crowns for that.
@ZOS_GinaBruno PlayStation question, we have disc copy of eso but the only retailer in UK is selling full game and not upgrade discs, the PlayStation store wont allow us to order the digital upgrade as it states we dont own the base game already as no digital version. Any advice on what we can do or do we have to pay full price to purchase base game and morrowind as no upgrade disc available.
method__01 wrote: »
have the same problem,please inform us,i only care about digital expansion download,post office takes forever to deliver
Its a PlayStation issue not Zos. Im currently talking to PlayStation staff who said i have to delete and reinstall. Im gunna do this and let you know if it works. I doubt it will tbh.
What material is the 12" colossus made from? Is it brass? Aluminium? Plastic?
Really want to know this!
SpoilerA quick note and a couple of questions:
1. If the above quote is indeed the case, then you might want to reiterate and clarify this on your FAQ-page, as it could easily be interpreted to mean that players will get the Discovery content immediately:2. Just in case the intial quote referred to the Collector's Edition Digital content (and not Discovery), and to clarify further: When exactly do players gain access to the respective digital content? (Dicovery and CE Digital - one on pre-order placement, the other on release. Both on release. Both on pre-order?)The Discovery Pack contains the following in-game items, which you'll automatically receive when pre-ordering any edition of Morrowind:
3. Say I pre-order the physical CE.
Will I be able to bind the keys of its Morrowind edition (and the digital content packages), to ESO on my Steam account? Or would doing so require me to purchase exclusively through Steam?
4. Will ESO:Morrowind be treated as a standalone on Steam? (seperate entry in library)
5. Will retailers be given Discovery Pack keys to send to buyers of the physical edition(s) when they buy them, will this be moot given the initial quote, or will they be unavailable until the box is in the customers hands?
6. Say my order is delayed on launch-day; will buying the "Morrowind Upgrade" package prevent me from applying the CE key for the extra digital goodies? Would I have to request a refund of the former before activating the latter, or would the CE simply count for just the items at that point?
7. Can the base ESO game contained within the physical package be activated on Steam, or will this still necessitate buying either the UT or Gold editions directly via Steam?
craftycarper73 wrote: »
its not in the store at the moment i think you meant to put, because no doubt once sales slow it will be available for crowns.
KittyMauge wrote: »Hello, I'm back, after many years, and this Expansion has got my attention and revived the flames of passion for this wonderful game.
But because english is not my first language, I'm going to need some help and clarification from you guys, an official answer would be great.
My problem here is that in this link here it reads:
"The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind also includes all the original ESO content, so new players will have access to hundreds of hours of excitement throughout Tamriel."
Does this means that this Morrowind Expansion includes ALL the previous DLCs and the base game????
Thanks in advance!!
KittyMauge wrote: »Hello, I'm back, after many years, and this Expansion has got my attention and revived the flames of passion for this wonderful game.
But because english is not my first language, I'm going to need some help and clarification from you guys, an official answer would be great.
My problem here is that in this link here it reads:
"The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind also includes all the original ESO content, so new players will have access to hundreds of hours of excitement throughout Tamriel."
Does this means that this Morrowind Expansion includes ALL the previous DLCs and the base game????
Thanks in advance!!