I am genuinely unable to understand some things. ESO is a B2P title with various bundles and benefits attached to them.
Truth is, a B2P game cannot sustain itself on sales only. So, like any sane company would do, ZOS created the crownstore, where gameplay-irrelevant stuff was put to make you look a bit more shiny. All fun and games.
Then ZOS put the Crown Crates. Gamble mechanism where you can get that shiny stuff and some more, more shiny, things. Alright. Atronach Wolf and Bear seemed cool but I couldn't get myself to buy a couple of those crates because I need money for other stuff.
ZOS steadily releases costumes and motifs. Talking for myself, I'm fine with having only an armor. Heck, for me the Imperial and Nord Heavy are the best things in the game.
ZOS puts housing in. "Awesome!" I think. Let's see some opinions on the forum, maybe I can learn a thing or two about it.
No storage. "Aw, oh well, I guess those couple chars I have and the bank space should suffice anyway." with the optional "I have the craft bag, so all cool for me anyway". Didn't seem that big of a deal to me, so I moved on.
Houses can be bought with crowns. Suddently, uproar. Why is that so? Why are people hating on ZOS putting houses for sale through crowns too?
ZOS puts Name, Race and Appearance change up.
People start complaining about other people that are able to change those features.
"I don't want to change that stuff, why should they?" or "I want to change it too, why isn't it free?"
As far as I've seen, no one actually said that directly, but the underlying message was pretty much what I've written.
I agree that a couple things need improvement. Mainly the horse training needs to be improved and the trading houses need to be a bit more compact, but why are most people so hostile towards ZOS and other players for using money to get game benefits?
Most comment I've read assume that everything in the game should be free and obtainable only through sweating in front of the screen. Entitled, lazy or downright hating players that seek things to go as it pleases them without wanting to do anything in return.
Some time ago, a B2P or P2P model was thought to be a good way to filter toxic behaviours. What happened? Is it some kind of elitism? Do they believe that buying a game and only paying for that will fund the company? Is wanting free stuff and demonizing those that buy it a way to cope for something?
I am really baffled at the complete absence of logic behind that. Or rather, I can't see it, I guess.
Some people may say "It's just a step towards a Pay to Win model."
But what if it isn't, and by acting like spoiled children you are invalidating your opinion if things get messy for real, and you won't be heard for all the useless hassle you caused?
I bought the game and managed to squeeze in the Guilds and Glory pack when it came out. Didn't spend a single cent besides that and I am simply satisfied of what I got. Unless housing is so bad that it somehow destroys my equimenet and my chances at doing anything useful in the game, I don't see why people buying them with real cash is a problem.
If they want to do it, let them.
If they can do it and have the money to buy all the cosmetics then good on him and wish me luck to get to the point of spending numbers with more than 3 zeroes on a game.
If they can't afford it but buy it anyway, it's their problem. I won't spend something on a game if I need it to eat.
Just saying, don't fear change and, if you don't want to earn stuff in game, just pay. Truth is no one is encouraging you to pay. Everybody is allured by shiny and useless stuff. You just don't have to give in.
Edited by 117Dios on January 27, 2017 3:52PM