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Official Discussion Thread for "Discover the Next Chapter for ESO"

  • altemriel
    I would be happy if it would be only:

    - some good new crafted sets
    - new zone as big as wrothgar

  • ManwithBeard9
    Well they added another picture with more lava peaking through the crust.
  • Abeille
    The_Saint wrote: »
    Dont know whats the reason to hype new things before homestead reach live server. This is something you do after normally... But maybe the critics about homestead are to big and the hypetrain shall choo choo the critics down...

    It's because Housing is not actual content, it's fluff. On the same way, One Tamriel wasn't content, it was a change on a core feature. We had no progress on the main story for a while now. After Orsinium, all we had regarding the main story was a little dialogue with Gabrielle in Anvil and some hints regarding Vvardenfell.

    So, while the devs can't possibly create content as fast as players can burn through it, people run out of things to do much faster when the thing you are adding to the game now doesn't really have that much for them to chew on.

    Rich said that something would happen during Homestead to kick the plot forward. I thought he meant it was something that would be added with Homestead, but it appears he was speaking about this announcement.
    Edited by Abeille on January 31, 2017 2:40PM
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Glaiceana
    Niaver wrote: »
    Website, store, account and both consoles maintenance?

    First thing which comes to mind is cross-platform, but i don't even...
    Oh man that would be so amazing!
    I'm sure plenty of people would hate the idea, but I think the more the merrier, and one of my best friends plays on console, so it would be awesome to play with her as I'm on PC. :D
    But they have said before that its basically not possible, I think either in an interview or an ESO Live. :(
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • Elsonso
    Well they added another picture with more lava peaking through the crust.

    Joy. Bethesda and ZOS spent hours, probably days, dreaming this up and some poor graphic artist spent time making these, and they are boring. It is happening in slow motion, on Twitter. It just isn't working for me.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ManwithBeard9
    Well they added another picture with more lava peaking through the crust.

    Joy. Bethesda and ZOS spent hours, probably days, dreaming this up and some poor graphic artist spent time making these, and they are boring. It is happening in slow motion, on Twitter. It just isn't working for me.

    You know you don't have to be here, right?
  • runeviking81b14a_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Release and reveal of what became of the Dwemer. They were hiding in Vvardenfell!
  • Mojmir
    Well they added another picture with more lava peaking through the crust.

    Joy. Bethesda and ZOS spent hours, probably days, dreaming this up and some poor graphic artist spent time making these, and they are boring. It is happening in slow motion, on Twitter. It just isn't working for me.

    You know you don't have to be here, right?

    Nobody does,but here we are
  • Elsonso
    Well they added another picture with more lava peaking through the crust.

    Joy. Bethesda and ZOS spent hours, probably days, dreaming this up and some poor graphic artist spent time making these, and they are boring. It is happening in slow motion, on Twitter. It just isn't working for me.

    You know you don't have to be here, right?

    And have you miss out on all my witty commentary? Rest assured, the thought never crossed my mind. :smile:

    I am just saying that, as building hype goes, this is not the best that they could have done. It is very predictable.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • SamWale
    Whatever is being announced, I'm sure it will be awesome. Really excited to discover the next chapter of ESO.

    Thanks for continuing to build and improve such an incredible game!
  • MissBizz
    Sooo... What's the bot rules in the Bethesda chat?

    I always get timed out... Like.. every. time.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • MissBizz
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Sooo... What's the bot rules in the Bethesda chat?

    I always get timed out... Like.. every. time.

    For anyone else who is wondering.. word on the street (twitter)

    Use no more than 3 emotes, no caps, no use of /me, and ad usual - keep language to nicer than PG13 ;)
    Edited by MissBizz on January 31, 2017 4:57PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
    Soul Shriven
    Computers....what if one day...they were in charge
  • Elsonso
    MissBizz wrote: »
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Sooo... What's the bot rules in the Bethesda chat?

    I always get timed out... Like.. every. time.

    For anyone else who is wondering.. word on the street (twitter)

    Use no more than 3 emotes, no caps, no use of /me, and ad usual - keep language to nicer than PG13 ;)

    Is this over a short period of time, or in your entire life?
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Alexium
    Please save this old style for the forum!

    Sorry for off topic. I promise to never repeat it!
    Edited by Alexium on January 31, 2017 5:28PM
  • VerboseQuips
    Do you think some of the existing sets and zones will be updated? The look of some racial motifs and some textures, for example in Rivenspire, now look a bit outdated. Orcish and Redguard equipment was refreshed already, why not the rest?

    Also, remember that Rivenspire was the only zone featured in an article after OneTamriel?
    Do you think we'll get to rescue the Count Verandis? Also, Molag Bal basically imported a(n unfinished) Tower inside Coldharbour. I am sure this could have tremendous lore implications, and this is, in my opinion, one of the major loose ends in the side quests of ESO.

    Oh, and I hope we get Loremaster's Archives again. And that the hirelings will send us new letters. :3
    Edited by VerboseQuips on January 31, 2017 5:33PM
    My characters:
    Main and crafter: A Breton magicka templar named Erwann Sorril
    Alt 1: A Bosmer sorcerer named Tuuneleg
    Alt 2: An Imperial dragonknight named Gaius Tullius Hastifer
    Alt 3: An Argonian vampire/nightblade named Observe-le-Xanmeer
    Alt 4: A Nord werewolf/dragonknight named Sigurd Hurlevent
    Alt 5: A Breton sorcerer named Gilian Sorril (he's Erwann's younger brother)
    Alt 6: A Khajiit nightblade named Jolan-dar
    Alt 7: A Nord warden named Sigurmar Hurlevent (he's Sigurd's younger brother)
    Alt 8: An Altmer templar named Oioriel
    Alt 9: An Argonian stamina Warden named Danse-avec-les-Rainettes
    Alt 10: A Redguard templar named Neemokh af-Corelanya
    Alt 11: A Nord stamina sorcerer named Olga Écoute-Vent
    Alt 12: A Breton magicka Warden named Ian Sorril
    Alt 13: A Dunmer magicka necromancer named Ilmoran Dren
    Alt 14: An Orc stamina necromancer named Norgol gro-Borziel
    Alt 15: A Nord magicka necromancer named Thorgen Givresang
    Alt 16: An Imperial magicka dragonknight named Publius Valeirus Hastifer (Just call him "Valerio" - he's Gaius younger troublemaker of a brother)
    Main in NA (For collaborative events): A Breton magicka nightblade named Titouan Sorril (long-lost brother of Erwann and Gilian)
  • Greevir
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Elsonso
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gilvoth
    was the 11 am twitch recorded ? i was work and missed it.
  • ManwithBeard9
    was the 11 am twitch recorded ? i was work and missed it.

    11am Pacific standard time, 2 pm eastern standard time
  • AmakarGranaen
    was the 11 am twitch recorded ? i was work and missed it.

    It's seems to be a different 11 am from yours, it actually starts in less than half an hour, so prepare thyself!
    Cthulhu is coming, look busy
  • altemriel
    it is 8:00 PM for Central Europe (GMT+1) if anyone needs ;)
  • Kazya
    leftover pizza from the lunch/dinner earlier, a bottle of Monster and access to the whisky if need be.. I think I'm ready to listen to that news now *grins*

    though, for all the hype that people have, I hope for their sake they aren't going to be disapointed
    Edited by Kazya on January 31, 2017 6:54PM
    Mother Earth and Father Night gives me comfort, protection and shelter every step I take.
    Brother Sun gives me the warmth I need, while Sister Moon lit my path so I don't get lost.
    Auntie Life follows me on my journey until Uncle Death sing me the last lullaby.
    /C.O 20121122
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I closed for lunch early . This better be important .
  • CubanRay
    Somebody keep us posted please I can't watch,dang work.
  • FlaviusVoyage
    I don't know if this was said over here, but this should be included in the ESO Plus. They promised ever new DLC would be for free.
  • Hearts_Wake
    So is it a new game or just another expansion?
  • ryudan91
    Soul Shriven
    Can I buy it with crowns or will it be by cash only?
  • ManwithBeard9
    I don't know if this was said over here, but this should be included in the ESO Plus. They promised ever new DLC would be for free.

    It's not DLC, it's an expansion.
  • lehran
    To address the above questions (based on info I got from the stream)

    1. Not included in ESO+, need to purchase separately (not confirmed, but very likely due to the pricing strategies employed; it's being pitched as an upgrade and not a DLC)
    2. It's essentially an expansion: entire zone of Vvardenfell (storyline is roughly summarized as "Save Vivec"), new Warden class, PvP Battlegrounds, and a new trial taking place in the Clockwork City. The full Clockwork City zone is not part of this, but is being reserved for a future DLC. No word on gear cap increase, so I expect that cp160 gear will still be the cap. The cp cap will likely be raised to 630 since each new update seems to increase it by about that (Homestead is taking it to 600).
    3. You can purchase either a physical edition at retail stores or a digital edition through steam or the ESO website. No crown pricing was announced, so I expect that it will be a fixed-price item in the store and not available as an in-game purchase.
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