Greeting everyone! During the forum rules I'll do it on english
We are looking for active dedicated players and ones who wants to improve their skills. We are providing helpful community, crafts, recommendation for leveling and builds, doing PVE, PVP for Ebonheart Pact. Currently we are aiming to build stable group for trials.
We are using
Curse for voice calls and information base – all major information is announcing there. Server is named
Guardians_of_Almalexia. If you apply, please expect a small conversation there before.
Leave comment here with your ESO-acc name or sent in-game mail to
@Soll_Chef or
@Niacris_68 for invite. Then we'll figure out rest of details.
Don't be shy!
I like to heal
Triggered Tryhards/ HighRisk
EP – Sollencia
AD – Sollencia Overdose
When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.