And a new *** sword skill line would be Niceand Change imperial's racial to add *** sword experience gain. Sword masters can't have only 1.damn heavy two heavy sword 2. Two swords 3.with a shield. Why can't we have a *** sword like a real sword master?
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »Why it is so damn easy to get to fifty the whole game is solo and you can go anywhere and level by rolling your face against the keyboard. Your CP follows your chr, and you will need the experience of lvling your abilities and how to play your character. Im baffled by this if you want to try another class play it dont buy it jesus.
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Maybe they encourage you to do the leveling grind so you don't notice the thin endgame content...
And a new *** sword skill line would be Niceand Change imperial's racial to add *** sword experience gain. Sword masters can't have only 1.damn heavy two heavy sword 2. Two swords 3.with a shield. Why can't we have a *** sword like a real sword master?
okay…one and half hand sword or hybrid sword, Guess I can't use that word…
...and since they are on record stating they do not intend to add class change, I guess that means... they don't want you to try different classes on one toon?1.About class change, I will not talk about name/face/race change because they do not greatly change your toon's role and effectiveness. However, what is the main point of respec? To try different roles on same role. However can we really do that now with only respec? You can't expect healer other than templar, or tank other than dragonknight in the end game. So if ZOS want us to try different roles on one toon, class change token should come out.
And as always, I say no to just adding a new class, and would much rather they add new skill lines, possibly in a way to "refit" new classy-ness to all characters, no matter if newly made or played since launch. You know, something like, say... class. I'd like to see a new class, balance was never achieved anyway, so bring it on
Now, adding non class skill lines are a distinct possibility. I myself am sometimes a little bit vexed at all those suckers and furries... oh, sorry, I meant hemodeficient and part time animalistic persons?3.World is overwhelming with vampires and werewolves now, why can't we have something naturalistic(maybe change the warden to a new world skill line?)or something aedric? That would add way more variety to the game
That sword the forums won't let you name is basically a something between a long sword and a two hander. So... just use any two-handed sword that has a short blade, visually. There, done.And a new *** sword skill line would be Niceand Change imperial's racial to add *** sword experience gain. Sword masters can't have only 1.damn heavy two heavy sword 2. Two swords 3.with a shield. Why can't we have a *** sword like a real sword master?
And a new *** sword skill line would be Niceand Change imperial's racial to add *** sword experience gain. Sword masters can't have only 1.damn heavy two heavy sword 2. Two swords 3.with a shield. Why can't we have a *** sword like a real sword master?
okay…one and half hand sword or hybrid sword, Guess I can't use that word…
You mean a sword who's forger didn't get married?
What would be the point of class change? You would still need to level all the class skill lines which takes about as long as leveling a character to 50. Unless this is another I want stuff that I didn't earn thread and you're expecting to be gifted the leveled skill lines.
And a new *** sword skill line would be Niceand Change imperial's racial to add *** sword experience gain. Sword masters can't have only 1.damn heavy two heavy sword 2. Two swords 3.with a shield. Why can't we have a *** sword like a real sword master?
okay…one and half hand sword or hybrid sword, Guess I can't use that word…
You mean a sword who's forger didn't get married?
exactly XD
You can't expect healer other than templar, or tank other than dragonknight in the end game
What would be the point of class change? You would still need to level all the class skill lines which takes about as long as leveling a character to 50. Unless this is another I want stuff that I didn't earn thread and you're expecting to be gifted the leveled skill lines.
I'm fine with non leveled new class skill lines, yet not Okay with go to places and do same quests over and over again to get enough skill points. Also, many things like craft research are not shared. And current difference between toons are not worth the time (if we have like two more world skill line then I am happy to try the different possibilities)
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Maybe they encourage you to do the leveling grind so you don't notice the thin endgame content...
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »Why it is so damn easy to get to fifty the whole game is solo and you can go anywhere and level by rolling your face against the keyboard. Your CP follows your chr, and you will need the experience of lvling your abilities and how to play your character. Im baffled by this if you want to try another class play it dont buy it jesus.
Well, I simply don't want to spend countless time to gather shards doing quests to get enough skill points for Another toon…if ZOS want to force me play more time by doing the same thing over and over again…well i won't.
I can spend countless hours on one toon but make Another toon just to do the same thing over again? not interested
I'm in favour of a class change token.
Sure, you can roll a new character, but if you want to keep the current name with your char, your achievements, alliance rank, benefits to your mount, research to traits for crafting... rerolling isn't going to cut it.
It's not about levelling to 50 only.