thelogicalghost wrote: »I really love playing tanks who laugh in the face of .... everything. Sure my damage is awful, but that's what the DPS are for. However, being new to ESO, everyone keeps telling me that I should be dancing and dodging like a DPS, which seems to undermine the point of being a tank. For me, at least.
So, I would really appreciate suggestions as to how to build the tankiest of tanks. Obviously this would be a PvE focused build. (I like PvE better than PvP anyhow.)
Wolfchild07 wrote: »Not all bosses are the same. There are some that you just cannot tank 100%, and some that are ranged fights only. There are bosses in some dungeons that will 1-shot you if you do not dodge certain attacks. Not every fight is face-tanking.
Having said that, you do not need "BiS" set-ups for most dungeons. If you have 25k+ resists, 25k+ health, you should be fine for most of them. Use different sets, see what you like, what you can make work, and have fun with it. It can be useful to carry around an alternate set for different situations.