Thanks, now how do I actually get to ride the thing?
On PC you choose the mount in the collections screen (hover over press E) then press H in game to mount.
I don't know console buttons sadly so you would need to check manual/options.
Yes. Although a mount here or there does get bugged where it shows the upgrade and you have not earned it, like the Elk did. Or it may not show the upgrade when you get it. But these are Bugs and need to be Reported if you find it.
I don't know if they have fixed the Elk yet, it has been a while since I rode it and I have the earned upgrades hidden.
Once on the horse, lets talk about a few things.
1. You can sprint past your Stamina as long as you keep sprinting or don't hit a rock or a pebble or something that slows you down. As such, you have to re-apply the Sprint as you go along. On the PC, this is the Left Shift, not sure on the consoles.
2. Speed of the Horse until you get that part upgraded to around 25 to 30 is kind of slow to the point it almost not worth it to ride if your in a hurry. Sure you get there faster than running, it just feels like your going slower than you can run.
3. Once past the first two character bag space upgrades, horse bag space is the cheapest in game, but it takes the longest to max out as it's one bag a day.
4. Stamina is useful to upgrade, but most people wait until Speed and Bags are upgraded before investing in Stamina.
5. You can upgrade one element of your riding each day at the stables. Some people roll alts early and park them at the stables upgrading things before they play them
6. You can buy packs of Riding Lessons in the Crown Store.
7. The upgrades you apply to one character do not carry over to another character.
8. Different Mounts are different skins the Riding Upgrades apply to all Mounts on that character.