Group brainstorming session...what should we be buying up before update 13 hits? Homesteading is almost surely going to rock the economy.
I'm guessing rubedite, rubedo, ruby ash and ancestor silk will go up in price. Why? People will start doing writs like crazy since that's how you earn the homestead master writs.
I'm also guessing the price of purple mats will skyrocket...maybe blues and green too? It looks like a lot of furniture items require many, many upgrade mats. Thoughts on how this works? The pts notes make it unclear, but it sounds like players will be burning mats to upgrade their furniture.
Anyone else have ideas? I'm considering investing a couple million gold in stuff that will become rare. And also, btw, I'm not a fan of the homesteads creating a shortage of everything that pushes prices through the roof. Hopefully they're not going to manipulate the economy too bad, but some of the lists I've seen indicate a ridiculous material burn to furnish a house.